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Everything posted by NaliSeed

  1. Probably just jealousy on Konami's part. I mean, this wad's probably a better Silent Hill that every single one they've farted out since SH3; although The Room wasn't all that terrible, if you ask me.
  2. I don't know why, but lately there seems to be a good too many maps with these huge open sections. Not really my cup of tea, I prefer a good mix of (not too) open areas and enclosed spaces, it's how the original maps were like.
  3. Sweet, thanks 😎. I was actually changing stuff within the main ipk3 file, didn't know you could load a separate file, silly me đŸ¤ĻđŸģ‍♂ī¸. File just went from about 83 mb to a mere 3.
  4. Hey, so, another question. Let's say I alter the main ipk3 file with a bunch of changes of my own and upload it to moddb under a different name like 'Doom 64 CE Revamped' or, 'Altered Doom 64 CE' , would that be ok, or do I need to be granted permission to do so?
  5. Ok, thanks for clarifying that, I really thought it was a glitch. 😊
  6. The lack of a secret counter and more secret areas was a bit (but just a 'lil bit) of a letdown for me, although understandable given the game's less 'arcadey' nature and more focus on ambiance and horror. Still, way better than 2016's Doom (and by extension Doom Eternal) in my opinion. As for the secrets, I remember this one in one of the Alpha Labs levels, forgot which one, in which you have to shoot the floor and a tile comes loose giving access to a hidden area. There's a weird radio feedback as you go through a small tunnel or something, that leads to a section with an imp, an exploding barrel and a few goodies. I'm still intrigued by what that strange radio transmission could mean, though.
  7. Is the kill counter broken perhaps? Some maps have a given number of monsters, but often after you've killed them all, if new monsters spawn via scripting they get added to the counter.
  8. Had me with the first two screenshots đŸ˜¯, but lost me with the rest ☚ī¸.
  9. Dude, what the hell did you do to poor James? It's bad enough he took a shotgun blast to the chest in Nightmare of Decay.
  10. Error: Forbidden Your client does not have permission to get URL /doomreturnsdownloads from this server.
  11. Does the secret/kills/items counter on the right come with Walpurgis, or is that a separate mod you're using?
  12. Ok, thanks, I'll see if I can get around it 😎
  13. It's the placement of the message, actually. I'm currently playing Doom64 CE and tweaking some things to my own preference. The way the messages are aligned by ZDoom is unlike the original D64, or Nightdive's version for that matter. Would like to change that.
  14. So long story short, I would like to have the messages for picking up items displayed in the same way as Doom 64, as in this screenshot:
  15. Is it possible to skip the intro sequence entirely and go directly to the Title screen as if playing Doom, Hexen, etc?
  16. Someone should make a smooth version of Doom guy's face with the helmet, I tried doing it myself but wasn't happy with the results. ☚ī¸
  17. Well, it was nowhere near as good as RoE, I can tell you that 😌
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