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Everything posted by NaliSeed

  1. Weirdest evolution chart ever. 🦧
  2. Cyrgoth's Revenge (9) and Afterlands (9), both for Hexen; I honestly can't decide which one's better. For Heretic I'd say: Call of the Apostate (6) The Mysteries of Underville (6)
  3. Smooth animations only; adding sounds is way easier, anyone can do it using SLADE. There's indeed a smooth version already, but not as good as this one; plus it uses animations from Doom II and not the original D64 weapons, namely for the two shotguns and the plasma rifle.
  4. You're kidding, obviously. Also, we need a Doom 64 version of this mod.
  5. Yeah, that's pretty ugly; which is unfortunate since I can't go back to vanilla animations after using the Smooth option. I tried photoshoping that myself but didn't go well, it's not something GZDoom can fix, unless you turn the smooth animations off. Guess we can only hope it gets fixed in a future version.
  6. Bunch of decorations from Hexen Reforged, plus the "Doomwand" from Heretic Reforged (couple more in the Pack. 7z file) Free to use, just throw some credit my way. Pack.7z
  7. I thought it was a typo in map 3 of Doom 2.
  8. Isn't it supposed to be Running the Gantlet? 😌
  9. Mmm, I figured the arms would be trouble when looked from the sides; they made them way too big to get rid of, plus the nails. I suppose it could work by restricting the sprites to the front only, like the SNES version of Doom, although it feels weird just mentioning it. Thanks for taking the time doing this; they most definitely don't look like turds without the arms, like AtomicFrog said. Lol.
  10. Yeah, I always felt the puzzles part was a major deterrent, as was the limited amount of weapons for each class, and definitely the inherent backtracking. It was more the lack of quality maps I was thinking about, as only a handful of Hexen maps are really worth the time (Deathkings wasn't wholly satisfying in my opinion, feeling at times too much like a slaughter mapset). Shadows of Cronos gets mentioned a lot, despite having been left incomplete, in no small part due to class imbalance according to the author. However, I would definitely recommend Cyrgoth's Revenge and its follow-up Afterlands as the best two Hexen wads ever made.
  11. Wish there was a voxels pack for Doom 64 too, if only for weapon pickups and items.
  12. Don't they have a human face as well?
  13. Oh, so that's what that works. I thought it meant that messages could be displayed like in both Doom 64 and Hexen 64, in which you pick multiple items of the same type in quick succession and only a single pickup message is displayed for all; it's what I was going for, but I guess ZDoom doesn't have that feature. Bummer.
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