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Captain Red

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About Captain Red

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    Forum Spammer

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  1. Yay b-day thread!


    Anywho, the twist in this thread is that *YOU get to decide how I spend it!

    The choices are:

    a) Drunken' Guitar hero. Always a blast, cost almost nothing but I may end up doing it alone on account of some of my so-called 'friends' thinking Guitar hero is lame :(

    b) Mexican themed restaurant I've wanted to take a look at, but haven't really had a reason to. looks decent. Can by Budweisers (I'm Australian) but will probably cost a bit. but a little lass sad then option A

    I'm 24 BTW.

    *if I decide to read this later.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. lupinx-Kassman


      Csonicgo said:

      hey wait a minute, that pic ain't right at all. it's upside down AND flipped!

      *nods at your title*

    3. Captain Red

      Captain Red

      Csonicgo said:
      hey wait a minute, that pic ain't right at all. it's upside down AND flipped!

      By gorge, you're right!
      well, I can fix that in a sec OH SHI-

      Edit: Gah! that other one was making me ill.

    4. Infinite Ammunition

      Infinite Ammunition

      the angel of death is even scarier that way, good lord

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