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About LerxstInWonderland

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  1. I'm up to map 7 so far (pistol starting on UV, but with saves), and this is some crazy shtuff! No bugs so far that I found (playing with DSDA). I've been able to get 100% kills on every map, but boy am I bad at finding secrets (the most I found was 3/6 on map03). I think map 04 (my favorite so far, and I liked map06 a lot as well) is where I embraced the zaniness and got into the proper mindset, and I'm now fully onboard for whatever these maps are going to throw at me! I haven't been introduced to all the crate mechanics yet, but I'm very interested in how they will be used going forward! Also, congrats on the release as well! You've clearly put a lot of time and effort into this and from what I've seen so far, also significantly upped your game when it comes to the complexity of the maps themselves. They still have your signature style, but you can tell your pushing things as far as they'll go within the DOOM 2 format.
  2. @Lewonx Just wanted to say, thanks for taking the time to do these write-ups. I always come back to this thread when looking for megawads to play. It's nice to to get a quick overview of what I'm getting into with certain wads, plus it's fun to see how you rank wads I've already played.
  3. @scrm Thanks for taking the time to record a demo :) I enjoyed it! The yellow key section is probably my favorite section as well. @Roofi Great video! Nice job on the playthrough. Yeah, difficulty is very hard to get right. The encounters are small in numbers but it's pretty cramped, so I guess that adds to the difficulty a bit. I move the box of shells to a new location for version 4 as well, thanks for the feedback! @The_Eon_Star Thanks for giving it a shot! You're right about the lack of space, and it's something I'll keep in mind for my next mapping attempt. @Makros_the_Black Thanks again for the comments :) I added version 4 to the OP. Just some more minor fixes (slightly different ammo/enemy placement etc.)
  4. @Makros_the_Black Thanks again for the playthrough :) Nice job finishing with 100% health! @Oxyde Awesome video, thanks for trying the map out and I'm glad you completed it! There are definitely some tricky parts, and I kind of regret putting the death pits in honestly, and probably will avoid them in the future. I wanted the area to feel dangerous and that you had to watch your step. Most players kind of run full bore everywhere (myself included), and this map is a little different in that careful movement can really help out in certain areas.
  5. @Aeddes666 Thanks for the video. I enjoyed your playthough! @Maribo Thanks for the demo and feedback! Yeah, I'm pretty much always wrong about where to rate the difficulty of my maps haha. I suppose by IWAD I was thinking more TNT/Plutonia, but that could be way off as well. I did want some areas to be a little cramped, but I think I went a little to far. It'll be something to work on for the next map. @azerty Thanks for taking the time to try the map out and I appreciate the comments! Glad you liked it overall! The cramped nature of the map was somewhat intentional, but I don't think I executed it quite right. The ammo thing is something I messed around with for a while, but I think I'm still too inexperienced as a mapper to get the balance just right. I wasn't sure where the player would go first, and I rather they have more ammo than less. I might experiment with that a bit on a more linear map where I can predict where the player has been and what items they have. @Jezze Thank you for the kind words! I don't think it's one of the best looking vanilla maps personally, but I tried to make things look as good as I could within vanilla limits and I'm glad you liked it. As @Not Jabba said, it's a vanilla map so no jumping/crouching ( I should probably add that to the main post). @El Juancho Thanks for playing, happy you were surprised by it! Glad to hear it worked out on DOS-box, as I usually just stick to chocolate DOOM for testing. @Makros_the_Black Thanks for trying it out, glad you liked it! @Delisk Thank you for the video, nice job on the playthrough! I was laughing at around the 9:20 mark where the chaingunners kept getting pots thrown at them while confetti was going off as they were continuously being resurrected haha. I think this ones mostly wrapped up. If any major issues arise, I'll fix them. All the comments really helped out, and I'll try to keep them all in mind when I work on my next map or project. Thanks again to everyone who played!
  6. Very impressive map! Nice detailing and use of textures (I liked the new textures you added. It made the map stand out imo). The theme and setting worked out nicely, and I liked the variety of different areas I got to explore. I liked all the winks and nods to the original Habitat as well. This one is "slightly" more realized though haha. I found the combat to be challenging, but still very fair (played on UV). A lot of newer maps I play, I usually get wrecked pretty badly, but this map wasn't too bad. (I still used saves though ;)
  7. @Gothic Box Thanks for the kind words! "Vanilla Plus" is a good way to describe it. Adding new textures to the mix definitely helps in making things look more complex than the are. @LadyMistDragon The video was great, thanks for recording your run. Your feedback was really helpful, and you're absolutely right about the floor damage being to high (I've already made the change from 10-20 to 5-10 damage), and I added a few more radsuits throughout as well. I've been working on implementing the lower difficulties as well, and I think I have a good balance now. @Makros_the_Black Thanks for kind words! Hopefully you had an alright time with it if you played it already. (I'll be releasing the updated version soon, so If you haven't played it yet, maybe wait for that). @Mr. Alexander Thanks for the demo! You definitely gave it more than a fair shot, and to be honest I would have quit at that point as well haha. Difficulty is hard to gauge for me, and I think I may have over-playtested this one, and lost sight of the true difficulty for a blind player @Noiser Thanks! Hopefully you'll enjoy it! @Zahid Thank you for the demo! There's definitely some annoyances to iron out with this one, but I think some of the suggestions people have talked about should improve the map overall. @AshtralFiend Nice video! Thanks for taking the time to do that! That was a great run of the map. You were very efficient with your ammo and health. I don't think I ever finished a save less run with that much ammo left over (full bullets, and almost full shells), and I've played this level a lot more than you haha! Nice job finding all the secrets as well!
  8. Here's a map I came up with while experimenting with some custom textures from 32in24-15 Tex (https://www.doomworld.com/afterglow/textures/). It's a vanilla map (with custom textures of course), and uses the DOOM2.wad, MAP01 slot (I used Chocolate DOOM/Crispy DOOM/DSDA-DOOM for testing). No jumping or crouching. Freelook, totally up to you. It's a sort of underground, geothermal base type thing mixed with some cavernous/hellish touches. It's a mix of tight, up close combat and more open exploration/non-linearity. It takes around 15-20 minutes to complete on average. The difficulty is similar to the original IWADS. All skill levels are implemented (thanks to everyone in this thread who gave advice on this) As always, all feedback is appreciated. NLIHv4.zip
  9. Nice job on these! They look great! Thanks for taking the time to make and share them!
  10. Sorry for the double post but I added a new map, Backwater Station to the OP. BACKWTR.zip It's been while since I did any Doom mapping, so this is just a quick one to get me back into the swing of things. It's a techbase style map mainly focused on combat, but there is some light exploration/non-linearity as well.
  11. @CyberosLeopard Thanks for trying out the map :) I'd never heard of that mod before, so I looked it up and...whoa haha. That seems crazy hard, and completely changes the gameplay, so it's interesting to find out the map is still somewhat playable when modded to that degree.
  12. @NoisyVelvet Thanks for trying out the maps (as well as recording demos)! I updated the maps in the OP with some small fixes (texture alignment, and some traps weren't triggering correctly) from watching both your and LadyMistDragon's demos.
  13. @LadyMistDragon Thanks for the demo:) I just finished watching it. Nice job! You did great finding the secrets as well. Yeah, the outdoor area is pretty tough, especially on a blind run. I may have to change up the switches to raise the bridges, as they're kind of small and hard to notice. I usually just grab the invuln and go to town, cleaning out as many enemies as possible with the RL, as well as raising the bridges as it opens the level movement wise ( and is necessary for progression). I also noticed as few texture alignment issues, as well as a teleport trap that didn't activate (Teleport destination was set to hard only), so yeah, this demo was very helpful. I'm going to fix the issues and reupload) Thanks again!
  14. Sorry @Daytime Waitress and @LadyMistDragon for not responding earlier. I was away for a while, and I kind of forgot about this thread...whoops. You're feedback and demos are always helpful, so thank you for taking the time to do that. I appreciate it. It's always tricky for me to know how far to go with traps and whatnot. I never quite know what people are going to like, so sometimes I've just got to play it safe, and let people cheese it once and a while haha. Haha yeah, I'm glad that trap worked out. The Pain elemental that spawns in behind is probably the most annoying part of that trap for me. Oh, and I added a new map to the OP, Suppression. It's more of a techbase style map (with an open outdoor section). Fairly challenging (for me at least), and a handful of nasty traps, so I would stick to using saves for a blind run.
  15. Sorry for the double post, but I decided to repurpose this thread to a place where I can post my short, single level wads. I figured it probably isn't worth creating a new thread for every little map. Anyways I added a new map, Crushed & Maimed, to the OP.
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