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About Pochoman123

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  1. So I decided to do a remastered version of my old megawad Pizza Steve. Basically, this idea comes with the following purposes: Improve the look of some maps by adding new textures and more decoration also fix the excessive use of the default doom builder textures. Fix the lack of ammunition on some maps that basically make them impossible to win, like for example map 10. Improve my skills as doom map developer Here you can find a demo version of the 5 first levels: Pizza Steve Remastered Also here you can find a demo version of Pizza Steve 2: Pizza Steve 2 My discord server: Discord My Moddb page: Moddb Need help with your doom project?, find me in fiverr: Fiverr Wanna support my projects?: Patreon
  2. I am actually working in the sequel of the Pizza Steve megawad, a slaughter wad that people like to play with mods, addons like complex doom, for now I have done 3 maps, if you want to check the demo version you can download the most current version on github. - Github repository: github - I create a discord server if you wanna keep track of the upgrades: https://discord.gg/PSafMDJjre
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