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About Desfar

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    Has fallen into Blender again

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  1. He doesn't want to get his gloves dirty. Demon blood has to reek.
  2. Cheetor The Cheeto Pinky More seriously, Sulfur Demon?
  3. It would be to floors, with the ceilings in the middle linked by the room over room. So that looking up you would see the 'floor' of the other side
  4. On the positive side, it means that if anyone can make a convincing simulacrum of the idea, it will be a real attention getter.
  5. Kk, so ill read up on voodoo mechanics, and just make two mirrored rooms, with flipped versions of the monsters that can operate on the ceilings.
  6. That is correct, I can only assume it isn't likely possible, just figured I would ask if anyone knew of an example I could dissect and study.
  7. I suppose i should clarify, its the room over room, with one room being inverted above it.
  8. Is it possible to make a room over room effect from a celling to a ceiling? Or will I have to engage in a series of trickery, voodoos, and such?
  9. Was down with a nasty bug for a week, and now I'm getting back to work on my silly stuffs. Just gonna embrace the MM6 flavoring Patented stealth edit, I think i got the proportions worked out a bit better for my humanoids. Still needs alot of love, and im trying to figure out how to better emulate the high contrast art style of Hexen. Now onto the normalizing of the color levels... Simple attacks, one blast and one sword slash with posing taken by from the warrior
  10. I dont know why, but I initially saw it as armless with the chest glowing.
  11. Very true, trying to correct it a bit, and add some additional role to the feet. I might end up trying to completely re-rig the body for the walk using the Baron as more of a reference point Edit: Redid the legs, and rerigged everything. it at least looks like he is running now. :revamp1 :revamp2 :Complete rerigging Final post regarding this monster, the process still makes half decent critters, especially when lights are involved. i still need to retouch every frame, but that's the hazard of resizing things down almost 8x. Even then, I need to add additional special effects into the frames so the Vile Attack has the pazaz
  12. Still not sure how committed I am to the walk cycle
  13. unfortunate downside of some highquality mods getting attention on youtube. MyHouse brought many people here, some good some shitposters. I came here after playing Hedon, but got stuck in the asset zone.
  14. Veil of Darkness for Hexen has a really solid castle section or 5.
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