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About Chuckles_troll

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  1. MAP08 UV-PACIFIST 0:05.69 pinacola08p569.zip
  2. cat 1 dead on: map 03 kills: 37/81 time of death: 8:33 DWIronman_Feb2024_Chuckles.zip arghhh the pinkies
  3. Tetanus MAP02 NoMo in 0:26.97 ttns02o2697.zip https://youtu.be/Z8e9lNHVAoc
  4. CAT 1 Dead: map02 kills: 47/121 The revenant kinda jumpscared me and was lost a bit on at the beginning of map02 DWIronman_ABSOLDIS_Chuckles.zip
  5. Download! Map Name: Ol' Caves Author: Chuckles_troll Music: "Je n'étais pas au courant de id" by Tristan Clark Sky: SKYTT49 Difficulty Settings: (haven't added it yet) Build Time: ~4.6 hours layout Comments: My first doom speedmap and my 2nd map I had more ideas initially but i procrastinated too much so it's very linear and you can easily tell that I had no more ideas after the 2nd area. Screenshots:
  6. Map Name: Volcanic Bulls (filename was originally called Volcanic Balls) Author: Chuckles_troll Music: didn't chosed but it was map01 Ressources: HAMTEX (used textures included on the wad) Format: Boom Comments: An extremely unfinished volcanic themed map i wanted to make but got lazy'd Screenshots: Download: VolcanicBulls.zip
  7. Idgames DSDA Page Lover's Quarrel is a 32 map megawad themed around valentines day. map01 uv-pacifist in 0:29 - PUSSXXIV01p2954.zip map03 uv-pacifist in 0:31 - PUSSXXIV03p3140.zip map05 uv-pacifist in 0:21 - PUSSXXIV05p2114.zip map07 uv-pacifist in 2:32 - PUSSXXIV07p23254.zip map08 uv-pacifist in 0:46 - PUSSXXIV08p4686.zip map09 uv-pacifist in 1:12 - PUSSXXIV09p11254.zip
  8. Category 1 Difficulty: UV dead MAP 03 at 18:08 I somehow got myself trapped. DWIronEagle_Abyss_chuckles.zip
  9. MAP02 UV-SPEED 30.66 hypspd02-3066.zip MAP03 UV-PACIFIST/SPEED 3.57 hypspd03-357.zip
  10. e1m1 nomo in 26.83 t1t1o2683.zip https://youtu.be/DGwA4-lXOvw
  11. Category 1 Dead on: Map11 Kills: 44/234 Time: 2:22 DWIronman_DMPurge.zip Took too much damage and got murdered by hell knight.
  12. Chex Quest 1 E1M2 stroller in 1:51.14 cqm2str15114.zip
  13. map05 pacifist 17.54 ode2imp05p1754.zip map06 pacifist 2.09 ode2imp06p209.zip map12 NoMo 100s 47.60 ode2imp12os4760.zip map26 pacifist 5.51 ode2imp26p551.zip
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