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About IDDQDtheCacodemon

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  1. I really appreciate that you tried to explain it to me; although I didn't understand much, it was not because of what you explained to me, but because there are concepts that I am completely unaware of. Maybe it's due to the fact that I use Aria Maestosa, and from what I've seen, it's a pretty limited program (compared to others). Any recommendations for creating more complex MIDIs? And sorry for my crappy English XD. Love your music btw!
  2. This certainly surprised me. I really feel the Slayer influence!
  3. I've already experimented quite a bit with MIDI music for my own WADs and pretty much everything I know (it's really not that much) I learned it on my own, so I eventually came to this question... So how can I try to "replicate" that 'wah' effect on the MIDI guitar? (by the way I currently don't have any MIDI devices yet, I do everything with my personal laptop and a wireless office mouse). I would also love to know how to imitate other guitar techniques such as palm mute, pinch harmonics, those 'gojira scraps', and pick slides (you can't tell I'm a metalcore fan, right?). Anyway... thanks in advance for the help!
  4. YO ME FR (seriously tho, thanks to the SF2012 and the SF2011 I have discovered lots of very good music)
  5. Maldita sea, yo ya tenía la idea para algo así desde 2020, pero no tengo tanta experiencia mapeando y tampoco tenía cómo comunicarme con más gente de Doom. Tengo sentimientos encontrados, pero me alegro DEMASIADO de que éste WAD sea tan genial.
  6. Ok, I have the program, now some tips before I start creating the music itself? I'm thinking of start with some covers, then gradually making certain arrangements and when I have enough experience, start making my own original works.
  7. Hello again! It's been a looong time since I posted here, this time I have another question and that is that I am considering quite the idea of starting to create MIDI music, so, any tips to get started?
  8. I see, well thanks anyway. I think that I too could identify with that last thing you said, "the best times i remember playing with friends"... I remember one time when I was playing Doom Center and the server was empty, and someone who also spoke my language entered... We spent hours playing and doing silly things, night fell on us and both of us had to go out, I never saw him again, but now Doom Center is one of my favorite Wads.
  9. Thanks! but what I want to know is which are the Deathmatch Wads that the community considers could be the best, I mean, that they tell me which are their favorite wads and why or how they met them or something like that
  10. Well, I'm new here so, I want to integrate a bit into this new world that is the Doomworld forums, and by the way try some good Deathmatch wads, so: what is the first thing that comes to your mind when I say Good Deathmatch Wad? Sorry if my English is bad
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