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About Arckra

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  1. :D Well, I'm alive obviously and popped into the irc before I decided to peep back into the boards.

    My first semester of college is over and now my scores are in. :D I've managed to score one A and three B's. I'm so happy! Let's see if I can do this again next semester.

    And in other news I was promoted to admin on the little petsite I'm working at. That's always a lot of fun.

    Such excitement!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arckra


      Yes, we sort of do but my professors also get our scores up in the same day. :D

    3. Nmn


      Do You study a lot? I've been having A's and B's all my life and now it's like D's, E's.. and F's sometimes. I just lost my excitement for studying, and no, it's not Doom's fault.
      Lately I've been seeing a lot of students at my age loosing their will to study.

    4. Arckra


      Yes and no.

      I study a lot in my Chemistry course because our professor teaches in a funny way. But I'm seriously interested in my Animal Science courses so usually all I have to do is read it once or listen to it once and I've got it down. :D

      Then there's my required biomedial science course where all we do is sit and listen to people talk.

  2. Though I'm sure some of you wish I were dead. Hahaha! Anyhow, my absence is due to the death of my three year old computer. The hard drive finally gave.

    I wanted to walk it across the street where everything would be fixed in two days but my darling mother insisted I take advantage of the warranty. Unfortunately, the computer would have to take a four hour drive back home.

    So, they were unable to fix it in the days I stayed home. Meh, why didn't I see that coming? I was promised it would be shipped back the following Monday.

    Uh huh, Thursday rolls around when I finally decide to call the company and I find out it hadn't even been shipped out. Wonderful!

    The next Thursday comes and I find out my computer did get here but it was sent back to my home town. Apparently the company didn't take my advice about shipping only UPS or FedEx. So our lovely mail room denied the package and sent it back.

    :D Now we're on the third week and hopefully it should come in. Oh how I love the waiting game.

    Not to mention I have three assignments from the site I work at and I'm unable to even start them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sharessa



      Yeah, my computer is about to go. I mean, its in like 3 pieces right now. I'm suprised it hasnt exploded.

    3. Fletcher`


      I wanted to talk to you about something last week, but now I can't remember what it was. dammit :P

    4. Arckra


      ravage said:

      I wanted to talk to you about something last week, but now I can't remember what it was. dammit :P

      :p Well maybe if you would ever get a messenger you could message me. But nooo!

      When you do remember, drop me a line.

  3. Ha! I'm already having a blast at A&M. My roommate and I are pretty much the same personality wise. Today we go exploreing the campus.

    But uh, wow I had so much crap just trying to get online. The tech guys were really pushy.

    So in the long run, it was simply zone alarm being evil. I had to uninstall it completely before I could do anything. So depressing.

    :) Now once we get all dressed up we have to take Catie's pc down to the tech center. =/ Apparently she has baffled them as to why she can't get online. :D This should prove to be an interesting day.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sharessa


      I have the complete Diablo 2 soundtrack, and the Diablo 1 one as well.

    3. Grimm


      Tristram rocks

    4. DOOM Anomaly

      DOOM Anomaly

      Grimm said:

      Tristram rocks

      Danarchy said:

      I have the complete Diablo 2 soundtrack, and the Diablo 1 one as well.

      Say, Dan, have I ever told you how beautiful you look in this moonlight?

  4. I'm moving out of my home on Sunday and I've never been so nervous about something in my life. I'm moving four hours away to go to college at Texas A&M. I'll be staying in the dorms and taking the bus to my classes.

    On the bright side a free T1 line, yay! Well that's in my student bill, but the scholarships paid for that. :D

    And for the record, I'm the first female in my family to graduate without a kid and attend college. I'm special or something.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kid Airbag

      Kid Airbag

      Danarchy said:

      Hmm...a Beatles song just popped into my head.

      Would it happen to be "She's Leaving Home?"

    3. Lord FlatHead

      Lord FlatHead

      I just played that song in WinAmp about four minutes ago. What a coinkydink.

      And Arckra, good luck. I'm starting college in about four weeks as well, though I'm staying home because school's only a fifteen-minute train ride away. I sure could use a free T1 line though :(

    4. Sharessa


      And here I am, thinking I was going to confuse the Hell out of all the kiddies who post here. :P

  5. And so it has happened. While running around on a new petsite that I had joined I got a personal message.

    Well le gasp! It was from this fellow who had seen some of my art and wanted to know if I'd be the pet artist for his site.

    O.O! Well of course I said yes. I'm so happy and jump for joy. Rah, but the site's still all funky with bugs. Oh well, it doesn't matter to me. :p All I have to do is draw and color.

    Got three pets done, nine to go.

    Heh, but we need another programmer. Someone who knows php. Haha, so while I rant about how happy I am... heh I'm also looking for someone who'd like to help out.

    *dodges rotten fruit for going to petsites*

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Arckra


      Linguica said:

      basic C syntax.

      O.o; What the hell is that?

    3. Linguica


      print $poop." is ";
      print "really ";
      print $dumb;
      print "!";

    4. Arckra


      Heh. *pokes that*

      And you know, I think I understood a teenie bit of that.

      ....I think.

  6. I swear, people are strange. I recieved a letter today from a bank whom I signed up for an account with. Well neato they send me back a letter stating they won't give me a credit card. Well that's fine and dandy, I didn't want one but what the hell? They won't give me a card because I have bad credit? What credit?!

    "...you did not score well because of the:

    Insufficient or too high of an average balance on revolving open trade lines

    Number of accounts ever 30 days delinquent and/or at least one derogatory public record

    The applicant is an underclassman"

    Well crap, I know I'm an underclassmen in college but what the hell does the first two mean? What accounts? Rah, I have a feeling I'll be one the phone a good deal of the night. -.-

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Job


      It'd fit just fine into a suitcase.

    3. Cyb


      AndrewB said:

      You can always just pay for a new house in cash. It might not fit in one envelope, though.

      if you do that then you use a bank check, not actual cash. that would just be stupid.

    4. Grazza


      But more fun. It would be totally cool to buy a house using a suitcase full of banknotes.

      Cyb: Is that the atomic toaster out of MDK2?

  7. Okay, so I got home last night from the new student conference I had to visit. As it turns out my major, Biomedical Science, only has about 500 students enrolled out of the 40,000 that attended Texas A&M. At least that's what the director told us. Anyhow, that makes me sort of nervous. I should have joined up with the Biomed Club so I can find others like me.

    Anyhow, it seems I'll have to be taking summer classes too. My required courses aren't in my current schedule at all. All I have to take is Chem Lab, Chem, Animal Science and Geography right now. O.o So they told me that I'll have to enroll in summer classes in order to graduate in four years.

    I guess I'm just really nervous about everything. I'll have to learn their bus schedules because I don't drive and I'm too scared to learn and all of my classes are stupidly far from the places where I appiled for housing.

    On the bright side, I only have a two hour class on Thursdays. :D Animal Science too! I get to look foward to watching a baby pig rot and identifying all of the gross things that are squirming on it! *whimper*

    And for putting up with this, I now give you a funny thread on another board!


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fletcher`


      Holy crap I'm not the only one starting college this week?

      I'm lucky though. I get to go to a 2 year tech school; 3 days/classes per week with a week between quarters.

    3. Arckra


      I start on August 30 and move in on the 22nd.

      *drool* I go to college not for the education, but for the internet connection.

    4. DOOM Anomaly

      DOOM Anomaly

      I can't wait to go to college/university. Only got 2-3 more years 'till then. :D

  8. Heh, today I graduated. It was fun since I was in the hyper section.

    Hmmm, for some reason I don't feel any different. I guess I'm in the 'real' world now eh?

    Heh, I got a lot of hugs tonight though and nearly a thousand dollars from family.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      Then you'll love Tobe.

    3. sargebaldy


      Congrats! I didn't get much for graduation or even try to, my parents are paying for my college and that's more than a good enough present. Also I got to walk with my favorite person evar, and afterward finally got to meet her family, etc. so I have good memories of graduation in general.

    4. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      Hey, congrats on the graduation! I went through that two years ago, which now seems like a long time.

  9. I seriously think I'm dyslexic. Ever since I was little I use to confuse similarly spelled words such as untie and unite.

    I was surfing earlier and passed over this shirt reading "Dyslexics of the world untie" and I was like "Oh wow, they're uniting." Then I thought for a moment and gazed at the word for a long moment. "Oh crap, that's untie!"

    I don't know... there has to be some sort of test for it. I just don't feel like going to a doctor or anything. I don't spell words backwards, but I often misread them and take them to be something else.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Thesmellyone 2

      Thesmellyone 2

      Maybe he'd speak normally..,

    3. zark


      kainsnotleaving said:

      sux for joo

      It's really really sad and pathetic that you keep registering on an internet message board for a 10 year old video game every time you get banned. Don't you have a life? Obviously not. Do us all a favour and go get a life, please.

    4. Fletcher`


      Ichor said:

      ...wonders what a dyslexic Yoda would sound like...

      You are not ready for the force. Hee hee hee heee.

  10. Hehe, yeup today is May 5th, Cinco De Mayo, my birthday. :D I'm 18 now and all. We had this huge celebration at school today since May 5th is a sort of holiday in Texas and Mexico.

    We played games and such with our team members and had a picnic. I was a part of the tug-a-war team. Heh, we lost though on our first round. There are only three guys total on our team and the others had a good number of them. So, it was 7 girls and 3 guys on our team vs. a team with 5 guys and 5 girls. Plus, all of the guys were in their football shoes so... yeah we lost good.

    Anyhow... I had a semi good day. I just had a not so nice message waiting for me when I got home, but we won't get into that crap.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Ichor
    3. Sephiroth


      i prefer the cake on the end of a cacodemon's wang, who ever the hell made that.

      may 5th i believe is mexico's independence day.

    4. Arckra


      September 16 is Mexico's Independence Day. May 5th is to celebrate the battle that the Mexicans won against a band of retarded French dudes.

      Thank you for the belated wishes.

      Heh, as for the thing that made my day sour yesterday its escalated. I know I'm going to get it for this but eh, here's what happened yesterday.

      As many of you know, I play NutrinoPets (virtual petsite) and somehow due to a glitch I have five pets instead of the allowed four. A staff member once asked how I got my fifth pet and he said he wasn't going to make me give it up but now a mod is making a big deal about it.

      First, he mailed me saying how I was going against the rules and I should be rid of the pet asap. I replied with that I've already asked a staff member about it and I wouldn't be bothered. Well, here are the replies he sent me.

      medicjoe95: Re: pets


      If you not delete it, it IS a bannable offence.. And also, I am a staff member, well, pretty much, I'm employed by NuP and work here... not as a real paying job, but this is my only job except for school.

      -Nutrinopets Moderator

      Well then I replied with once again reminding him that one of the staff members was alright with it and I would be contacting the others about the situation. Then, he replied again.

      medicjoe95: Re: pets


      The reason I am taking actions about this is because users are seeing your lookup to find you have 5 pets, this is a semi-seroius matter, and If you could just simply put him/her, any of of your 5 in the pound - I will pay you to 3500 lol... If you wish, put something in your shop for 3500 and i will purchase it...

      -Nutrinopets Moderator

      So then, I replied again that everyone who's asked about my fifth pet hasn't been angry about it. Then I once again stated that I'll be contacting the staff about the matter. Then I apologized for seeming very rude and unruly in not wanting to give up my fifth pet.

      medicjoe95: Re: pets


      I do not see you as any of that, just - I rather not have to take actions, what you are doing is against the rules, if you wish. I will take your pet for you, and when the issue gets resolved, I will return it to you...

      But, until then, I'm greatly asking you to put it in the pound, or leave it to somebody...

      -Nutrinopets Moderator

      Heh, I haven't replied to that one, but I heard from my mod friend that he's causing a scene with other mods about me and is demanding that the staff has me remove the pet. I don't understand why some people can't leave me alone. I was getting along peacefully there til now.

      O.o Yeah, it may seem trivial to the lot of you, but I don't like being singled out like that. I mean, I didn't CHEAT to mess with my account. It was a glitch that affected my account. *sigh* Plus, I think he was highly out of line about the whole issue. Its not up to him to speak to members like that when it should be a staff member's job.

  11. So yes, a good group of students from my Spanish class got to go on a trip to Spain. Now, I was told that one of the girls decided to ask the flight attendant the following.

    "Ma'am, if its not too much trouble can you wake me up when we cross the time zone so I can watch the time change?"

    ...When I heard about this I didn't know if I wanted to slap her or die of laughter.

    Now, later on during the flight, she woke up and started to wake up everyone else on the plane. Why? Because she kept on seeing "two moons". What was the second moon? It was a light on the wing of the plane.

    If people from Floresville didn't look stupid, they do now.

    And before anyone says it, I'm a native to San Antonio, not Floresville. :P

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Epyo


      zarkyb said:

      Some people are very tall and merciless.

      Quincy is destroying San Antonio.

      funniest thing I've ever read in my entire life, thank you zarkyb my life on Earth is now complete. It's time to move on to Jupiter.

    3. DOOM Anomaly

      DOOM Anomaly

      Silverwyvern said:

      ..no two people are not on fire...awww

      Some people are named Eh! Steve. talkin wheelchairs. Eh! Steve is not exactly a person. will get what he deserves.


    4. Sharessa


      Some people are about to be run over.

      Frankie has about five seconds.

  12. necronomicon_epilogue (6:02:10 PM): erm, hello
    king_man17 (6:02:29 PM): how R u
    king_man17 (6:03:01 PM): name
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:03:14 PM): ...lower your font
    king_man17 (6:04:22 PM): Emil
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:04:28 PM): ...
    king_man17 (6:04:41 PM): 20/m
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:04:50 PM): great for you
    king_man17 (6:04:55 PM): and u
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:05:06 PM): 17/f apparently literate
    king_man17 (6:05:22 PM): opeen cam
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:06:09 PM): how about
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:06:10 PM): no
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:06:11 PM): go away
    king_man17 (6:06:49 PM): why baby
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:06:59 PM): *raises an eyebrow* I'm not your "baby"
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:07:01 PM): I'm Nick's baby
    king_man17 (6:07:03 PM):
    king_man17 (6:07:23 PM): whyyyyy
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:07:28 PM): because
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:07:31 PM): I don't trust strangers
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:07:32 PM): shoo
    king_man17 (6:07:55 PM): ok
    king_man17 (6:08:08 PM): iam sorry
    king_man17 (6:08:30 PM): u R goo
    king_man17 (6:08:36 PM): good
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:08:48 PM): ...I am also attempting to get votes for my pet
    king_man17 (6:09:29 PM): do u forgime now
    king_man17 (6:09:49 PM):
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:11:08 PM): erm, no
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:11:12 PM): lower your font
    king_man17 (6:11:42 PM): do u mind aferind
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:11:56 PM): ...aferind?
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:12:06 PM): and you're suppose to be 20 years old?
    king_man17 (6:12:24 PM): mind
    king_man17 (6:12:58 PM): yes or no
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:13:14 PM): ...I'd rather be left alone to my RPing friends
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:13:18 PM): and away from n00bs
    king_man17 (6:17:26 PM): R u thear
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:17:32 PM): ...
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:17:39 PM): are you literate?
    king_man17 (6:18:12 PM): what u name
    king_man17 (6:18:29 PM): ag
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:18:37 PM): ,,,,
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:18:41 PM): ......*
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:18:43 PM): ag?
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:18:48 PM): my name's Arckra
    king_man17 (6:19:17 PM): frome
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:19:26 PM): frome?
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:19:34 PM): and you're 20? and you cannot even spell "from"
    king_man17 (6:21:05 PM): frome egypt
    king_man17 (6:21:48 PM): Emil
    king_man17 (6:22:14 PM): that name
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:22:23 PM): alrighty, that's great
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:22:26 PM): I'm from Texas
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:22:37 PM): I'm an artist by nature
    king_man17 (6:23:45 PM): oh texas is nice town
    king_man17 (6:24:10 PM): stady what
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:24:46 PM): ...Texas isn't a town
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:24:47 PM): its a state
    necronomicon_epilogue (6:24:51 PM): a very LARGE state
    king_man17 (6:25:22 PM): ok iam sorry
    king_man17 (6:26:20 PM):
    **User king_man17 has been ignored. Ignore count is now 2,000.
    Yes! I'm back up to 2k people on ignore on just my Necro name. :P Oh and I know the log doesn't show it, but he IMed me first. Cheeta doesn't like to log the first message sent apparently.

    1. Show previous comments  70 more
    2. Silverwyvern


      Nanami said:

      I buy ramen, how many fur suits do you think I own?


    3. Hobo


      Ramen package fur suits?

    4. Arckra


      Quast said:

      But really...is there any point or purpose to having so many?

      Good question. I should ask him one day...

      For me its just collection value? *shrugs* Its fun sitting down and reading through the list.

  13. Well, somewhat of a request, I just kinda got the urge to do it after he mentioned it. Its all pretty self explanitory, so I'm not going into detail. I'm slow in doing EVERYTHING, so I'll eventually color this. Maybe I'll do it tonight if the war back on NP doesn't kick back up. (I missed a huge chunk this morn' =/ )


    *goes back to carefully eating her corn*

    1. Show previous comments  160 more
    2. Sharessa


      My computer;s name is Stupid Piece of Shit.

    3. manjar


      Danarchy said:

      My computer;s name is Stupid Piece of Shit.

      Word, except add "with Windows XP" on the end of it.

    4. Bloodshedder


      Oops, not The Cloak, I meant Guardster.

  14. http://www.deviantart.com/view/5906674/

    ^_^ Whoo hoo, I hit 400 pageviews on my DA account. Lol, I know I went a little rainbow happy.

    BTW, if you're trying to read my writing on there, then you need a hobby. :P

  15. Yes, I am seriously happy that I'm doing good this time around on Neopets. There's currently a war going on in the site where people's pets have to fight CPU enemies. I've gotten over 170 war points (1 point per win) and this is the latest battle I've fought in. I think we're fresh out of enemies, or at least the tough ones.

    117 / 178
    Power 40%

    Skeith Soldiers
    0 / 103
    Power 100%

    Vincent_Valentine13 On the last move... Skeith Soldiers
    You clamp down on Skeith Soldiers with your Pocket Gnashers!

    You sneak up behind Skeith Soldiers and stab at them with the Lost Desert Dagger!

    Skeith Soldiers has gained 3 hit points from the power of the Genie Orb!

    Skeith Soldiers throws an Forest Arrow at you with great accuracy!

    Skeith Soldiers uses their Aura against you!

    You defend yourself against Skeith Soldiers's physical attack by Burrowing into the ground!

    Skeith Soldiers heals! (3 hp)

    1 hp Damage:
    21 hp

    Quoth Skeith Soldiers:
    I am a great warrior, what are you?

    You have beaten Skeith Soldiers!
    You have won this fight!

    *snicker snicker* In case you haven't noticed my pet is Vincent_Valentine13. I did the 21 Hp damage and got 1 Hp done on me. I know this battle looks pretty sorry, but he's only a second level opponent and no real tactics are involved in these battles. Its just pure endurance on my part.

    And those weapons I'm using are two of the sorriest weapons to exist on the site. I'm just seeing how far I can get with just using them and absolutely no healing items. Sure I could have 400 war points like every one else who battles like I do, but eh this is much more amusing.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Arckra


      Meep? *looks lost and pokes a random someone*

    3. Fletcher`


      Arckra, have you done any furry self-portraits?

    4. Arckra


      Hm, no, but I probably should. ^^; I bet I could if I can get a hold of one of my days when I was dressed up in my full goth outfit. (Sometimes I'm too lazy to go all out.)

      I guess I'll work on that next after the Neopian Beauty Contest starts.

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