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About EndlessMoose

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    Plays Doom now and then
    Warming Up

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  1. That looks so fucking cool!! Definitely playing this at release.
  2. Nope, it took me over an hour to do it because I'm garbage at puzzles
  3. And also, the fact that you decided to drop it with no hype, no release date, no nothing, but just as a surprise, was a brilliant move.
  4. Finished the megawad this morning (except map 36 for now) on UV.
  5. It's no problem; it happens, especially with maps as intricate and detailed as this one. Other than that, fantastic map, btw.
  6. Just finished it there and I had a lot of fun with it. It was played with GZDoom with MBF comp. I'm still quite new to the Doom community so I couldn't really pinpoint any discrepancies unless they were blatantly obvious but other than that, great job.
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