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About DutyAWOL

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  1. Could I possibly get a link to this WAD too please? :)
  2. Ahhhh! Okay! Well that solves that puzzle for me. I'm up to map 23 but I'm going to give it a rest for today. This is seriously a brilliant WAD. It needs more exposure so happy to bump this thread. :) Do you have any other WADs that I can check out?
  3. I'm playing through this WAD in 2022 and it gives me SO MUCH nostalgia from the 90s modding days. Absolutely fantastic work. Love all the original textures and the puzzle-style maps with the abstract approach of it all. Seriously reminds me of an official add-on to DOOM 2. Top, top work. Bravo. Although I still can't find secret #4 in map 10. I've got the SSG, the Rocket Launcher and the rad suit with the box of shells. Where ON EARTH is the fourth???????
  4. Hey, long time lurker, this WAD is beautiful, very well done to everyone involved in the project. But after lurking Doomworld for all of these years I'm finally forced to make an account. I am honestly stumped at Map 07. How the hell do I get out of the starting room. I've tried everything.
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