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  1. Hello You are probably getting those hedgehog-looking abominations, right? If so, yes zDoom sometimes uses different format for linedefs and things - and wad2pic needs to be told to use that different format. If you are using Python, add this line: options = {"zStyle":True} and then, when you call the map generation, pass the options: wad2pic("DOOM2.WAD", "MAP01", "MyWad.wad", options=options) If you are using command line add "--zstyle" parameter at the end This should do the trick. Let me know if it works out.
  2. Another bunch of updates for WAD2PIC: - options to show things for different difficulty levels + for deathmatch (including spawning sites) - bugfixes regarding mid-textures (those have some intricate rules I missed) - most importantly: option to "shrink" the map. "Shrinkage" happens on vertexes level, so it allows to draw huge maps already scaled down. Last feature finally allowed me to conquer my nemesis from the very start of this project: Planisphere 2 (New York Doom). Here some screenshots: Empire state building and Trump tower Brooklin bridge and sea port Central park, even including public toilet And this is the whole thing (this is 1:20 of the generated picture, which was 1:2 of the original map)
  3. Yes, it follows the vanilla logic for lighting: - 32 levels of lighting, from the lighting value in sectors (31-0 transformed from 0-255); - palette colors in the darker area transformed using COLORMAP mapping - sector flats, wall tectures, things - all affected. Classic use of lighting in Hangar.
  4. Hello everybody! An update on new features for WAD2PIC. 1. Maps outside of standard level names are now supported (from "E5M1" and "MAP33" to whatever). 2. PNG flats and textures (and patches) are now supported. To showcase, here are some samples from a WAD that has both of those: Dark Tartarus. It has level names TATnn and quite a few PNG textures. TAT01: Arch Bridge TAT06: WOW:Finished (I actually get the reference!) TAT20: Frozen Throne TAT21: The Killer's Breed TAT31: Return to Wolfenstein TAT43: Lock N' Load (I haven't played it but these seem really interesting, how come it didn't get a Cacoward?)
  5. Worked for me with: wad2pic DOOM2.WAD MAP32 Baronsdeep.wad - not sure if there are different versions, but I think Doom2's iWAD is "DOOM2.WAD" - all caps both name and extension. You have the file in the folder too, right? - @Andromeda is right, map names are also case-sensitive and have to be all caps: "MAP32" - your pWAD name had a space in it, but if I understand correctly, you renamed it and removed the space, right? Also, if you use the latest (as of the last hour) version, you can add --debug in the end and it will show a more detailed error message.
  6. POSIX update merged, new executable generated. Thanks a lot! Thanks for documenting the usage, looks great. Copying it here for the reference: wad2pic Generates an isometric image of a Doom level. Usage: wad2pic <iwad> <map> [<pwad>] [options] wad2pic (-h | --license | --version) Options: -h --help Show this help text. --version Print current program version. --license Print the license. -m SIZE, --margin=SIZE Pad the output image with SIZE margins. [default: 300] -g AMT, --gamma=AMT Gamma correct the final map with AMT. Amounts < 1 will lighten the image and > 1 will darken. [default: 0.7] -cx K, --coefx=K X scaling of walls (relative to actual width). [default: 0] -cy K, --coefy=K Y scaling of walls (relative to actual height). [default: .8] -r DEG, --rotate=DEG Rotate DEGREES clockwise. 0 for no rotation. [default: 30] --iso FACTOR Adjust the isometric Y scale by FACTOR, usually in the range of [0.5 - 0.9]. Set to 1 for no scaling. [default: 0.8] --zstyle Use zDoom new linedef format (similar to Hexen format). --quiet Supress detailed messages during generation. --debug Print program stack trace in case of error. Windows executable is here: https://github.com/gamescomputersplay/wad2pic/releases/tag/v1.0
  7. Hm... it should work. Can you share the command you use and which pWAD it is? So far I can only think of couple of things: - This filesnames in the command line are case sensitive, so it has to be "DOOM2.WAD" for the Doom2's iWAD. - Also, although most of the pWADs work, there are some here and there that can trigger an error, need to look into such particular wad.
  8. Thanks, man! Merged, tested, works fine (it did trigger a warning from Avast, but what can we do). I zipped it all up and uploaded the executable. Yeah, if you can add proper POSIX-compliant support for CLI - that'd be great. Let me know if you have any questions. To be honest, I haven't done CLI interfaces before, so I put together a quick and dirty one with just basic features.
  9. So far I gave it a quick try, but whatever I was using didn't work with CLI module or something. So I gave up for now. I still have some ideas to implement for the main part, I'll probably get back to GUI and EXE after that. Meanwhile, if you can help with a quick and dirty executable for current version, sure, let add that too, send a PR. I totally agree using exe file is way more convenient for most users. Python is popular, but maybe not that popular.
  10. I am checking out Wiki Page about HacX. It is an iWAD, not pWAD, right? Cool if it works, I actually haven't tested other iWADs beyond classic ones. As for the rotation, you need yo use options for that. In python it would go something like this: import wad2pic options = {"rotate": 210} wad2pic.wad2pic("HACX.WAD", "MAP01", options=options) Second line is where you set the rotation, in degrees, clockwise (when you don't use options, the default is 30, that's what you have now, so 210 would show the other side) Third line - the same as whatever you have now, just add options=options as the last parameter.
  11. Thanks! Currently, there is a simple CLI options, which is almost as easy to use as GUI. Basically, if you know how to use a command prompt (Win+R, then "cmd" in Windows), you already have all the knowledge you'll need. Details in the readme file on GitHub. Technically, GUI version will not make it much easier - it will still require all the installation of Python and additional modules. Standalone EXE version will mamke it easier, but so far I've been unsuccessful.
  12. You should update the quickstart guide for wad2pic by saying that the user needs to use the Windows command line to execute it if they are on Windows. Absolute beginners might not know that python.exe is the wrong console to be using.

    1. GCP


      yes, you have a point, I'll add that.

      Console is a bit of a tall order for beginners - they will have to know how to open the comsole, switch driveĀ  if needed, change directory, and finally run the command. I may underestimate an averageĀ  user, but I think it is a bit too much for an average one.

  13. Alright, I have figured it out. You found a bug, sir. So, when I was so confidently saying that the program supports custom textures, what I should have said was: "It only supports NEW custom textures, but if you try to replace patches for existing textures, the program will totaly ignore it". The bug is fixed now, new version on the GitHub. This is what DoomCity looks like now (fragment): Thanks for finding this, let me know if you find something esle that doesn't work right.
  14. Hm.. I can't say I see the problem. Is there some texture that looks wrong? I haven't played those maps, but looks fine to me.
  15. Hm... no, textures should work just so, no changes in options needed. Do you mean textures as in "walls" or flats as in "floors"? If the texture is encoded the standard way, should work fine, same goes for flats. As for the non-standrd ways, in the recent code update I have added support for "texture-as-flat" and "non-64x64 flat" too. "PNG as flat" is still not supported though - might be that. Do you mind sharing what the pWAD it was, to have a look?
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