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There is no such thing currently as "DBP team": contributors (and sometimes project leads) differs from project to project. There is (was?) so-called "DBK Krew", who were responsible for projects starting with DBP07, but after DBP32 they left the series, and are doing their own thing for years now. My favorite DBP projects are 09, 11(holy shit), 13, 26, 27, 38, 39, 47, 51, and 61. But the even the ones I didn't mention are still super solid stuff. There are a few weaker ones, but at least they pretty short. That being said, I don't think there is any other wad in their catalogue similar to A;Z, both in terms of visuals or gameplay. 40oz, founder of the series, did lead a cyberpunk-ish community project called Mutiny, but the combat here is less explosive and maps are freaking huge, so, see for yourself if you want to take a dive.
Thirty Years with Doom - now on idgames
Bep replied to Chainie's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Yeah, don't sleep on this: at the very least, the new Lainos map totally worth a look - an equally gorgeous and haunting experience, one of the best maps of the year, imo. Though, Slavius and RMG also did a great job here, not gonna lie. -
What are the worst Doom Wads you have ever played?
Bep replied to UltraPro89's topic in WAD Releases & Development
It's very easy to name something like "wow.wad" and be done with it, but it feels like a cheating: there is a lot of low-effort wads on /idgames and I don't think they are even worth mentioning. Much more interesting, though, are wads which had a lot of time and effort put in it, while still ended up being a total disaster, something akin to DTS-T. That would be a better theme for a thread, imo. -
Provocative wad name. Scandalous, even. Really interesting to know, what is the intended complevel here, because in the SSG fight on map 03 you can easily push archviles over the ledges (in cl-9), and I don't think that's intentional. Also, if a precise SR40 down to the Zombieman arena is the intended progression on the said map, than I don't know what to say. We live in a society, I guess.
"Skindustrial" series by @Spectre01 - very demanding macro-slaughter with a deviously crafted multi-part fights. Recent "Cold Front" by @Thelokk also qualifies - the PE-imps fight and arch-vile slaughter near the end are some of the wildest scenarios I've ever seen in Doom.
AFAIK, the main reason of the weird arch-vile placement in Maximum Doom is the "Doom II-fication" software that were used on Doom I levels, which populates those levels with Doom II enemies. Some levels become utterly broken as a result.
Community Chest 1 is better paced than many of the well-regarded community and team projects from 10's and 20's such as BTSX E2 and Devilution.
⬆️ Doomworld Community Top WADs of All Time (resurrected)
Bep replied to m8f's topic in WAD Discussion
5 points to each: 1. Hell Revealed II 2. Community Chest 1 3. 10 sectors 4. 2002: ADO 5. Eternal Doom 6. DBP 11: Lilywhite Lilith 7. Nihilty: Infinite Teeth 8. Bloody Steel 9. Doomworld Mega Project 2016 10. HFFM 11. Erkattäññe -
Hi, I played your wad on Woof 8.1.0 and there was a few game-breaking bugs (and ugly HOMs): Map 7: This door after a blue key bit can't be opened; Looks like a zdoomism, since on Zdoom it works just fine; Map 9: Something horrible going on with this balcony behind the red key room. Software mode issue. Map 11: Similar to Map 9 issue, those pillars before the otherwordly red sky bit HOMing all over on software. Map 15: Yellow Key door with a hellstaff behind it opens only on Zdoom. Same as Map 7. Also, secret exit bit is a very heavy on eyes. Map 28: Pillar in the IoS room cannot be lowered because zdoomism (same issue as with Map 7 and 15). Map 30: Probably, I didn't understand something. I went into the secret route, up until the Wolf3D hallway and then can't get out. I restart the map, and finish it the normal way, of course, but still. Something tells that this isn't supposed to happen.