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Everything posted by Smolspidey

  1. I got it to work because of you, thank you so much!
  2. I'm making a wad specifically for GZdoom so Decorate would work.
  3. Hello, could anyone please tell me how I could edit the chaingun to increase it's rate of fire in Slade? Thanks in advanced.
  4. I really enjoyed this map. It was very tense and looked really cool the entire way through, good job.
  5. Please don't shoot me I want to keep playing Doom :(
  6. Thanks to anyone who answers btw it's much appreciated.
  7. I beat Sigil earlier today and instead of jumping into Doom 2 (I've played it too many times already) I want to pretend that Doomguy stays in Hell instead of going back to Earth. So anybody got any decent wads that take place solely or mostly in hell?
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