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I never really left to be honest, instead I ended up just going by different aliases and submitting demos as I normally did. Will list those other aliases below.
Distortion, Volatile, stanners, woze5870, Hertz
Only started playing under the alias "Volatile" yesterday, but I figured that it's time to come clean about this instead of just repeating what I've been doing since I "quit" Doom, since I've already took this way too far.
I'm still not really sure why I did what I did, but I can agree that what I did was pretty odd. And I kept this going for a lot longer than I should have done. Apologies to shock, since he'll have to merge my DSDA profiles. As if I wasn't enough of a pain when I was spamming 30 demos a day.
Nothing has changed though in the past 6 months though, Doom is still an addiction for me. I do intend on quitting Doom and speedrunning as a whole now. But we all know how it went last time I said I was going to quit Doom, so it's hard to tell for me if I can stick to my word, since last time was a shallow promise. Bye I guess.
I wish you the best, Scuffed. It is bad to be addicted to doom but what you have done now is really really weird, I think it would not be a bad idea to talk to a professional because it is possible that you will relapse again.
Hey, scuffed, there's really no trouble merging your profiles, don't worry about that. While I personally have enjoyed many of the cool runs you have contributed to this community, mental health is a higher priority, and I hope you seek out some help if this is genuinely affecting your life this negatively. NGL, Doom speedrunning can be quite addictive, so I understand where you are coming from and don't think worse of you for being unable to break it. I wish you the best regardless of what you choose to pursue in the future.
I agree with Juancho, what I did was strange to say the least, even if there were no bad intentions. I was fixated for a long time on getting a "fresh start", for a few reasons, but that doesn't excuse making 5 alternate accounts. Sometimes I struggle to comprehend why I did shit that I did, I don't know why I didn't just make another account and stick with it, and even that's still an odd thing to do.
When I mean addiction, I just want to clear up that I wasn't spending unhealthy amounts of time playing Doom (at least after August, when I was done with the spamming), it was mainly the fact that I didn't enjoy the game, yet I kept coming back to it. Even if it's not the true definition of addiction, it definitely still resembles what I view as an addiction. Like instead of doing something I wanted to do, I would just be sat playing a game that I didn't enjoy. That's not how I want to live my life. I don't think I phrased some of the things I said in my last post correctly, since "addiction" is very up to interpretation, and I was being quite vague.
I do intend on making this my last post, since I don't think there's much point in posting on Doomworld if I don't even play the game anymore (I haven't touched the game in the past couple of weeks, just in case if anybody cared to know). And since I pretty much exiled myself from the community (at least that's what I feel like I've done), I don't think people would want to see me back.
I do genuinely apologise for what I did, I was being ingenuine and it was just an overall weird thing to do, especially considering how long I kept on going for. But I thought that I'd make the last post I did (on March 20th), since I wanted to get shit off my chest.
Thank you all for being a great community.
Been considering this for a while now, but I'm deciding to quit Doom indefinitely, since I'm just not happy playing this game anymore. I know I've done some half-hearted breaks before, but I'm serious about quitting now and I'm happy with that decision.
I'll be inactive on all platforms from now on, but may still log onto DW every now and again. Fairly short Doom career, only been playing for just over a year but I just simply don't enjoy Doom anymore - I find it very frustrating and I still don't enjoy the game when RNG is in my favour.
Doom was basically an addiction for me, even though I didn't enjoy it for a long time, I couldn't quit it - almost like an addiction, which isn't healthy at all. I feel happier now that I've quit the game, I've been wanting to for a while but struggled to.
I doubt anyone cares really, but I thought it'd be better to post this instead of just silently disappearing without an explanation. Thanks to everyone for being awesome, this community is one of the kindest imo and it's been a pleasure to be part of it.zamn, finally retired 😌