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About Chookum

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    Tastes Like Chicken
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  1. I've got Version 2 of No Feeling ready, which will now bop you on the nose if you rush by bringing the monsters from the previous encounters into the final ones. It took a bit of jiggling that looks unsightly when you go back through the level, but this is an abstract crayon box and we can overlook that as abstract crayon box things. I tested it with saves and managed to get the Cyberdemon in the first encounter, the mancubi from the second encounter, and a single cacodemon from the third encounter to show up together in the final encounter, all kills without having to backtrack through the teleporter. NOFEELIN_v2.zip
  2. om nom nom. burp. I binge through the desert on a horse with no name. I have also decided to attempt to review this big bloody thing. I'll do it in 30 map chunks. PLAYED ON DSDA DOOM V0.27.5 UV-ISH, PISTOL STARTS, SAVES JF3 REVIEWS: MAP01 TO MAP15 JF3 REVIEWS: MAP16-MAP30 More to come when I get to beating MAP60 one way or the other.
  3. Testing with IDDQD and skipping through leaving enemies alive for encounters, I got a pair of monster teleporters for the first encounter going just fine, but my implementation for the second encounter gets completely gummied up by lost souls being created by pain elementals. I might change my monster choices and save Pain Elementals for the last round if I can't reconcile this with further changes, or make more lines for more monster closets to teleport into. A similar monster teleporting method is in encounter 3 and I can verify that things get teleported to the monster closet and back into the last encounter, but I need to make the closets bigger to accommodate this and change the position of the teleports in the final arena (or raise the roof) to accommodate tall monsters like either of the two cyberdemons coming through. Also made the player's last teleport be further back, to show you're still in the structure and shown the way to the exit.
  4. Rooftop Redemption, now in RAMP2024. I have a habit of making Rooftop maps for community projects (DUMP, Party Garage). Each has gotten more elaborate than the last, and this is no exception. I have time for making more maps, so keep your eyes peeled.
  5. I'll try cooking something up this weekend and post it here. Laziest solution is to have you teleport back onto the pad you started the encounters of the map with the further illustrate that you can go back, but I'll see if I can find a way to corral monsters or de-activate/re-activate the wave-pools for each room. Not sure how the Third room can have its cacos come back based on the geometry - not unless I lift all the sectors up after you leave...
  6. If you're using TEXTURE1/TEXTURE2 to get your textures going locally, they won't transfer over cleanly to RAMP - changes to TEXTURE1/TEXTURE2 overwrite the originals, while TEXTURES is additive and stacks atop each other - or something like that. I had the same problem when I was working on In Wonderland for RAMP 2022 and implementing the Bunny. For your RAMP submission, place your textures in TEXTURES instead - SLADE should have all the conversion tools necessary for facilitating that.
  7. I'm still amazed all of this is one sector. Witchcraft!
  8. +1 Pirate Doom II - This'll have you going "they pulled that off in Doom?" a lot. MBF21 is powerful, and the world presented in Pirate Doom 2 is vibrant and engaging to play in and view! +1 Junkfood 3 - Another proponent for the sheer power of MBF21. I'm about halfway through playing all of this seriously but as far as the Junkfood trilogy so far goes, this one's the best one to eat first if you balked at the other two. Who cares if you can't get it down in one go? It's a buffet. Also, thank you all who recommended Headless Chicken.
  9. Thanks for playing! You can turn around after the last fight and go back into the map, since the teleporter drops you off in the room you started in with a door to the exit opened. I'm a bit stretched at the moment but I'll see if I can jury rig something together that allows the missing monsters to teleport in for V2 - it's not the worst idea but my geometry not positioned the best way to do that.
  10. Work/Life has been a bit out of whack lately, but finding time to work on One Bite More for Headless Chicken has found UDMF continuing to click with me and teasing my designs out to be more vertical, while integrating features like slopes and portals tastefully. I quite like the possibilities it's inviting. MAP35: 6-2: Relic Hunter
  11. Shamelessly self promoting here: Headless Chicken's MAP31 A-1: Barfly. Kill all the chickens present in the four arenas to get access to MAP32. You can always hear them clucking to aid with the search, and ones present on the map try to find their way to you. The chickens are DeHacked'd Commander Keens and keep their door raising logic when none are left.
  12. I've been chewing on Junkfood 3 and so compelling and sugary is it that I felt compelled to do a paragraph or two review on each map, and I'm about halfway through the whole buffet table compared to how I bounced off Junkfood 1 about ten maps in. Could just be the monosodium glutamate making me do that though. To cleanse the palate, I've also been playing Pirate Doom 2 - which has been a joy to play through with its vibrant colours, light hearted tone and MBF21 trickery. Both of these wads are Cacoward material to me.
  13. I made a box full of hurt where a better world is struggling to break into it and you're doing your best to assist that process. You want to escape this box, because being in for long enough will cause you to have No Feeling. Again, I reiterate its potential unsuitability for the project given its slaughter style gameplay but I suppose we can squirrel it into a secret map. NOFEELIN.zip
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