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About ThatKidBobo

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    Always there if you lose your skeleton
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  1. I have sped up development on my project again, so new areas are coming along very nicely, while older places also receive a facelift.
  2. I have made a new progress video! The project is slowly getting more unique, I hope I turn this into an actual good thing!
  3. The first time I beat knee-deep in the dead was on the play store Freedoom's gzdoom engine.
  4. This looks VERY good don't get me wrong, but the simple geometry of the maps always clash with detailed models like these, at least for me.
  5. Shrine Of Kalgadar has been updated to 1.0.4! This update fixes a few problems and improves several areas. A progress video will probably be ready mid-late december.
  6. My map is slowly coming along, here is the current version for testing. https://www.mediafire.com/file/rxvrikgec7z6bqe/%28MAP27%29_So_Far_Yet_So_Close.wad/file
  7. This looks SO GOOD! You have really inspired me right now! Thank you so much.
  8. This makes me want to scream OH MY DAYS as loud as possible with a british accent
  9. This sink and toilet I made. High tech spaceship toilet.
  10. I'd really like to have very simple shadows in my project. GZDoom's sprite shadow feature does allow this, however I've never really liked how it looks. Blob shadows that look N64/PSX-like are much more appealing to me, and I'd like to implement those kind of shadows to my custom enemies. Any way of doing this without binding a subtractive light? (They sometimes create weird situations that's why I don't wanna use them.)
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