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About PixelPerfectDW

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  1. I prefer Toxic Touch over Misri Halek, although I cherish both of them.
  2. In case you don't know what "BLAME!" is, it's a Japanese late-1990s manga known for its monochrome ominous architecture and humbling sense of scale. Here are some examples from the manga: Thoughts?
  3. Not all ultra-hard wads are absolutely beautiful, but modern ultra-hard wads TEND to have a visual style that jives with me, and I can't quite put my finger on it. Look at my examples if you want an idea of what I mean.
  4. Sunlust, Sunder, Abandon, Death In Excess, everything by Ribbiks; why do the ultra-hard doom wads and slaughter wads tend to look the coolest?
  5. How many maps will the finished version of Sunder have?
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