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  1. Finally found the time to fix some stuff. Just uploaded version 2.3 Things that were changed/fixed: map 2 now opens back up automatically after you beat the level removed a nasty softlock in map 10 Chaingunners in map 14 spawn more consistently now green armor trap in map 18 is now line activated fixed the teleport bug in Episode 5 added the widescreen statusbar made by @Auron changed the berserk pick up sound once again invulnerability now uses the greenmap powerup.color other small adjustments like texture alignment, sector lighting etc. And again many thanks to @Firedust for the detailed report. Download: Dropbox: VALIS (or use link in the original post)
  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and findings. I really enjoyed reading them and I´m glad you had a blast playing Valis. I´ll will tweak some things here and there according to your comments and upload version 2.3 in the next couple of days or so. Again, thanks for taking the time. It´s very much appreciated.
  3. Interesting. Not waking up the cyber without shooting elsewhere is very weird... I´ll add that to the list of stuff I´ll fix. Same goes for the backpack situation. Thanks
  4. Hmm.. well I just checked and killing the two archies should spawn a cyber. Can´t tell you what happened there right now . I´ll look into it tomorrow. Playing on 4.4.2. btw. But IDK how that would cause any problems...
  5. So I checked and I forgot to include some enemies on HNTR and HMP so the exitroom doesn´t open. Fixed it and uploaded a new version just now and it will open on these difficulty settings as well. IDK how that happened, but thanks for pointing that out.
  6. It is way easier than you think. Though that one column might through you off...
  7. 1) There is a switch in the exit building that opens up the whole level again. Btw this is the case in every level. You´re always able to backtrack. 2) Yeah you can get that megasphere. There are two teleport pads where the red key card is. The left one takes you on top of that pillar. 3) That was kind of the idea. 4) I hoped that the dead tree in the center would assist the player with that. But of course it´s a tough decision... Press the switch and start the fight or take the teleporter and see the second side... 5) I guess the playstaion ones that you are referring to are regular demons with their Translucency set to 25%. I don´t why I did that tbh 6) Popes of roam was the main inspiration here. All shootable switches are shootable without mouselook. 7) You can actually kill two of those three initial PE´s no problem. Only one will unleash all the nastiness. The one in that room with the red lights where you teleport to. But since they will get mixed you never know. Guess one could say it´s a Painchance you have to take. I´ll see myself out... 8) Sleeping on the job, huh? I´ll look into that. Former Human Resources is informed... (OMG how didn´t I see this one before!!) 9) It´s supposed to be Phobos. Was kinda going for a marsian look here 10) Wow. Well first of all thank you. It´s my first release and I have not been active in the Doom community before. So I guess that´s how^^ 11) Noted. I think I´ll change it to line triggered in a future version to combat this problem. 12) I had my fair share of trouble with it (as one can see in the thread^^) but in the end it´s way easier than I made it out to be. Glad that you like it! 13) Gimmicky Maps. Am I right? Guess they´re hit or miss. And yes, those textures are intentional. You´re bringing VALIS to it´s limits. It can´t focus on texturing the level properly and giving you a hard time simultaneously. You´re into deep... 14) Yeah IDK why I went that route... Guess VALIS is getting inspiration from all sources it has access to... 15) I guess the charade is over! 16) Weird. I never had any problems with this setup during testing. But I´ll definitely come up with a fix then. 17) Yeah, I know. That´s why I put the second exit in map 29.
  8. Hey. Hi. Hello. Small pack with matrix style digital rain animated textures in 5 different colors. Size: 320x256 Textures: Showcase: Download: DIGITAL RAIN PACK
  9. I have to bump this thread again. Just realized that I didn´t update the info file for the last version... While I was at it I removed that obscure progression as well. Thanks for the feedback
  10. Hey. Yeah that part can be a bit confusing I guess...
  11. Alright, so apparently you can´t interact with switches that have a scrolling texture right in front of them with the comp mode set to DOOM/DOOM(STRICT). I would advise to set the comp mode to ZDOOM, since this is the only setting the wad was tested with. Thanks for pointing that out.
  12. Just uploaded a new version. Things I changed/fixed: added scripts to maps 14, 17 and 26 removed a softlock in map 8 changed Berserk pick up sound map 29 has 2 exits now. One that ends the game and one that brings you to map 30(a bonus map of some sort) other small adjustments like texture alignment, sector lighting etc. Maybe i´ll add a titlepic in the future, if I can come up with something. But for now i´ll leave it as is. Download: Dropbox: VALIS (or use link in the original post)
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