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About gwain

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  1. there was a Yume Nikki deathmatch wad made not to long ago iIrc.
  2. Talons from the temple os library of games would seem like a good fit for a doom tc.
  3. If you look closely he has a tie!
  4. I'm not sure if I should post this here or a separate thread but here goes: dsda doom crashes (as does every other port) when I get to this spot in my map but the problem is it just crashes without telling me the problem these are my settings and I'm kind of perplexed to what the problem may be
  5. I started playing on woof because I got tired of prboom lol
  6. Just started playing ancient aliens though it was just an excuse to play doom to 7 thunders roar :^)

  7. lol I get it. I mostly like it because it's graphics they kind of look like something out of Id Tech 4 (doom 3 and prey 2006) and some far cry mixed in turok prey 2006
  8. Though I do agree that they are G.I.-Joes id software coloring in black in white sprites is not unheard of since alot of the original models were grey
  9. I don't even want to think about something that horrible. >w<
  10. It was always weird to me that they didn't have coop starts in d64 seeing as how doom has native 4 player support and the n64 has 4 controller slots.
  11. Slade's map editor kinda sucks, but slade allows for adding in custom textures and monsters. What the majority of mappers do is use both by adding their custom slade wad to the doom builder resource list
  12. You kind of HAVE to learn map design on your own since its an art but, there are a few things that help me with map design. You can start by writing down general area types and enemy encounters in a text document, but its certainly not required. I would recommend making an empty map with default textures and no monsters then detailing your map it usually leads to higher map quality and it's also done by other modding communities like the csgo mapping scene. quick note though check for a thread in the search-bar before posting admins will lock your thread for seemingly no reason if there was a previous thread on the same topic.
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