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About Thelokk

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    Outta here, find me on Discord.
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  1. Does anyone know how I could get in touch with @Thelokk? They claimed a map for this community project and I'd like to ask if they're still interested in contributing to it:


  2. Had enough of this cesspool ran by little ego-bloated tyrants, whose only worry is to hold a stranglehold on their little personal playground they call a 'community'. From now on I'll be releasing maps elsewhere. 

    If you need me for anything Doom related you can find me on Discord. Have fun!

    1. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      Since she went off and lied about her ban reason, I'm unhiding the message Thelokk was actually banned for, which is pretty much a self-ban request. Don't post like this if you aren't fine with the response being "sure, okay." 


  3. Nah.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SleepyVelvet


      Well now I can't stop my fantasies of Thelokk and Rd frantically cuddling and rubbing against each other to see who can out-snuggle the other and win.

    3. AD_79


      You'll be back.

    4. LadyMistDragon


      For what it's worth, I think there's nothing wrong with expressing an opinion that's not some low-effort thread (kek). Although they aren't exactly hot takes as such...

  4. Doom trends that need to go: roster and weaponry bloat.

    The IWAD bestiary and arsenal are sufficient and fine. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.


      Thelokk at some point you have to recognize not everything can be for you. You make a zillion 'posts' of this nature. It's as if you expect or hope the whole community output to just be your thing exclusively, while ignoring/misperceiving the diversity in everything that is not for you. 


      It's a pretty annoying type of posting that some people engage in. The underlying pattern is: "the niches I like are special and creative and diverse -- and everyone else is doing the same thing / following 'trends'." 


      But the amusing thing about that is that everyone who does that, no matter where they are situated, feels like they are the "niche" that is special and creative and that everything else is just cookie cutter. For example: there are some niche slaughter fans who'd get upset that 90% of wads only care about visuals and don't care about gameplay and are too easy. And then meanwhile there are some people who get upset that 90% of wads are difficulty-obsessed slaughter. Which obvious implodes via contradiction. 


      Everyone who does that is falling prey to the same fallacy that of the 150+ higher-effort or semi-notable or whatever releases a year, they should be capable of really enjoying like 100 of them. When in reality, unless you are a flexible player, it'll be closer to 10-30 and that is unavoidable. 


      I've seen nothing different in your posts in that regard -- it's the exact same pattern as all the other people who have ever done this. 

    3. Thelokk


      Yay, got my very own @baja blast rd. Doorstopper(tm). Cool!  sorry I'm not reading that brick. Also, still waiting on that properly sized Heretic pic. Get to it please.

    4. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      replying that way shows you obviously read it lol


      since you're going to be so defensive and a bad sport, let's be more direct here: stop making posts like this -- it annoys a bunch of people

  5. Trying something alternative to the usual 'depths of Hell' IoS level. As an extra challenge, I'm also limiting myself to seven textures and five flats. We'll see how it goes.
  6. Nothing, it's a fine movie that's great at what it does. Deniers can keep seething.
  7. Community project map done and ready for testing. Can finally sorta move on to something else... Spoilered for massive imagedump:
  8. No miracles saved my ass, sadly. A true testament to my... ahem, humble beginnings.
  9. Abstract, especially if achieved through mostly / only stock textures. Bonus points if it makes vanilla engines seethe. Pretty sure nothing will ever top this one, for me at least.
  10. Then OP is not up to date. Claiming whatever Hell slot is available.
  11. Realized I've been sitting on this for a while: 30mc2_thelokk_v2 Save for a damaging floor, all changes are entirely cosmetic - fixed misalignments, added decorative sectors, generally made the map a little less drab and same-y.
  12. A bit burnt out on Doom and Doom mapping (among many other things), so I'm taking a few weeks off the Megawad club, Er/IWA, streams etc etc. See you soon!

    1. United VirusX

      United VirusX

      try quake mapping I'm slowly making my first map it's just taking forever since I keep working on new doom maps

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