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Mark Bloom

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About Mark Bloom

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Just polishing and preparing for idgames release. There won’t be any new substantial content
  2. Reporting to keep this thread alive: We've still working on E2 and E3, but slowly, there wasn't much free time lately.
  3. Hello! Thanks for the feedback. I'll DM you the details about your map.
  4. Hello everyone! Adding my 5 cents to the conversation, we tried to make changes as subtle as possible so it won’t affect gameplay in any meaningful capacity. Most geometry changes were details cut and just enough to get under the limits. From all the episodes there are around ten maps that I can say went through drastic changes. But either way we didn’t plan to present current release as final and intended to get feedback especially from authors. Even more - I highly discourage making demos since this version will be obsolete in a couple of months. We wanted to make a surprise for the community, but keeping it completely in the dark even from authors wasn’t the brightest idea. Sorry for that again. We will contact E2 authors in a week or two, and E3 later, to go through changes before dropping episodes for everyone. Stay tuned. And again, we’re waiting for E1 authors feedback.
  5. I don't want to be this guy, but what's the status on the project? It's been 10 month and still no idgames release :(
  6. Once again I'm offering my assistance in fixing found bugs for maps with authors that not responding. However I don't know how far I'm allowed to alter the maps.
  7. @_L1pE_ Thanks for the feedback! I'll make sure to add revenant cliffs to every map from now on and every start will be at least as hot as core of the Sun. :) I was expecting some of these reactions to my maps as I still reflect on how to balance the map and I've surely went overboard in some places trying to make it challenging. Said cliff was on the edge of being cut, but I couldn't delete the scenery. But it's not like I make more than 1 map in 5 years anyway. @Doomkid I guess that's it for now? All good except a few minor bugs? If so - thanks again for a chance to participate in this project! Edit: I'm blind, just saw the issue list. I'll have a look and see what I can do. Although it would be nice to know what's have been adressed.
  8. It would’ve been accurate if it was a Plutonia map, not TNT map. His complaints boil down to “it’s not like in plutonia”, and all of a sudden easily taken down archvile is a bad thing. I can’t say that I’m a TNT fan, but I accept its weirdness and find it charming. To sum up all the current “problems” with his tnt review: 1) The joke outstayed its welcome 2) He clearly said that he doesn’t like tnt way back in D3 video but he had to review it anyway because some of his audience can’t shut up about it therefore him being too harsh 3) The same audience who think that they are game design gurus will shit on this wad only because they adopt any opinion civvie has without any critical thinking Also: plutonia map17 has roughly the same ratio of low/mid/high tier enemies but for some reason it’s not spamming (I know why, but it would be nice if he could bring it up and explain)
  9. C'mon man! Processing Area is like one of the best TNT maps
  10. I'll wait :) I assume HOMs are from all the 3D bridges? It is pain to make one so I always avoid them
  11. Sup! How's version 1.0 with all the fixes going? I got some free time and can offer help if needed.
  12. Not a major bug, but in DSDA-Doom in the first episode Cyberdemon attack frame doesn't lit up, but it does in Ep 2&3. I assume that there are minor differences in deh lumps.
  13. @NiGHTS108 I'm fine with the result. The only improvement is to add a computer frame to be in line with everyone else and that would probably require to shrink the initial image. Really nice looking map, puts into perspective how many authors are there.
  14. Yeah, I don't think there are a lot of maps that were designed for DM specifically, so putting at least 4 DM starts in semi-random places would be enough (so vanilla wouldn't crash I assume). I also have to point out that I checked all these in UDB, so there are possibly other issues that require to do a full campaign run on all difficulties, but I don't have so much free time now. I don't think that there are any softlocks since all maps were beaten w/o cheats and major offenders were fixed, but one more thing I can do is to check that all required keys are present on all difficulty levels to avoid TNT:MAP31 situation.
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