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About Rykzeon

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    "Rykz" for short

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  1. Any updates? I wanna see the progression's case as I also have some sort of injustice right now, but its not about country's law. I know its sucks, you wanted justice right now but need to deal with physical & mind degradation as you progress your way toward the deserved justice. Before that injustice happened into me, I never had this sense of headache in my left forehead. Nowadays, it just plagued me almost everyday, easily lost concreation, keeps forgetting stuffs, has sleep problems, etc. I wish it never happened.
  2. hi i would like to request a death spell to honeymuun and aqwaqa now

    if they still online, then your product is fking scam

  3. What is that "hyper specific thing"? I'm curious, since I usually use 7z for almost everything. I also don't wanna my compressed wads to be corrupted in future when I need them.
  4. I did alternate the RAMs. Disconnecting or not fully attach the heatsink only makes the computer shut down after few minutes. It seems it does has integrated graphics, as I can't see any "F" in the processor. The GPU also warms when attached. I touched the case and it gives me electric shock. I guess I'll check the PSU then, because I haven't checked it because I've seen a PSU that gives warning to not even touch it when I was kid. It only beeps if I unattach both RAMs so far.
  5. I think nope. I think its better to provide photos, just to be sure I also get a little shock from the casing when trying to unscrew the motherboard. Not sure if the casing comes contact into my old pc or nope.
  6. I haven't checked the pins, but I remember I took the processor out because I wanna to check what kind of PC I actually bought from flea market because it was kinda blind buy and I wanna know if the processor has integrated graphics or not, because at first I thought the problem was the dedicated GPU card. I'm not sure if I had tried to turn on the PC without processor, my memory kinda hazy. Lemme check.
  7. I just noticed that everytime I turned on the CPU, both GPU fans are spinning, but then after few moments the left fan stop spinning.
  8. So a few moments ago I detached the GPU card and one of the RAM (right RAM to be exact). Then I turned it on and still black screen, but it just turned off by itself. I re-did it and it gives same result. Edit: I inserted both RAM back into the slots and turned the PC on without GPU card, and few minutes later it just turned off by itself. Edit 2: I inserted GPU card back, and turned the PC on, and few minutes later it just turned off by itself. It wasn't like that yesterday, as I remember right after I unplugged the power, I touched the VGA card and its quite warm. Edit 3: I forget to plug PCI-E into GPU card. Now its warm after powered on and leave it for awhile. I actually think there is electric problem or the BIOS already corrupted when I bought them, or something else. Not sure which one because I never seen corrupted BIOS or even flash-able BIOS before in my life.
  9. I have games that takes gigabytes of my disk space. Most of them aren't finished, but I don't have interest to play them again in near future so I just archive them with 7z and let them sit in my HDD, incase I ever wanted to play again so I don't need to re-download them. For games I finished, I usually throw them into cloud, unless it still has something to offered for me, like mods. I think the only problem I have is I usually do brainrot things more instead doing something more productive.
  10. It came from used flea market and there is no power source there, but I heard it came from spoiled kid who begged to their family for laptop ASAP so they sold their monitor and CPU to flea market for quick cash (they sold monitor first then after 1-2 days they sold the CPU). The only thing that came with the CPU is a note that written: Then I bring the CPU to home and tested it, and it doesn't give BIOS screen. I checked the motherboard throughly, I checked the processor and its Intel i series without F (I checked it means it has integrated graphics), and it has dedicated GPU too, so I think black screen may be unlikely because of graphics problem, as it can be powered on and it did beeping when no RAM memory inserted. I haven't checked HDD and DVD, but it's clanking everytime it powered and whooshing sometimes, even SATA connectors are disconnected from motherboard. So I think it's actually may be working previously, but something happened somewhere I don't know so it not work. I can provide photos and videos if needed.
  11. Few days ago I bought a used PC and used monitor. I tested the monitor with my old PC (I use it to type this post) and it works, but the PC I bought only showed black screen when turned on. The motherboard is "ASUS P8H61-M LX R2.0REV. 1.02". I noticed some things: When I first tested it, it only shows black screen, so I checked the VGA card and left fan (near HDMI slot) not spinning. I tried to lift the right area a little bit and the left fan worked once but then it stopped again and I never able to reproduce this. I also bought HDMI to VGA converter and connect both motherboard's VGA slot and dedicated GPU's HDMI slot, each with separate monitor. No result, both just gives black screen; The CPU casing has shocks when connected. I checked the PSU fan and it is spinning when the PC turned on. The motherboard LED also lit when it connected to a power source; This PC has 2 RAM slots, and I checked each of them by removing one of them and re-install one for each slot. No beeps. I once did not fully inserted RAM into its slot, as I'm new to repairing PC and I didn't know how to insert RAM stick properly, and the CPU beeps; There is clanking noise and sometimes "whoosh" noise, either from DVD (empty) or HDD (pre-installed 2 HDDs). I did unplug all SATA connectors, 2 SATA connectors leading to HDD, and 1 SATA connector leading to DVD. Its still clanking. The topmost HDD is WD Caviar Blue, and I haven't check the bottom (second) HDD yet; I did remove CMOS battery, waited for 1 hour, and no result. It's still black screen when turned on. With all said, I stopped diagnose the problem by myself, as I might do damage to the PC I just bought. I never get into BIOS or booting up into OS so far, so I may think this not a simple problem that can be self-repaired by myself. I did clean all dust from VGA card, RAM, and motherboard, and its still only give me a black screen when turned on.
  12. Yeah it involves alot of linedefs and dummy sector. Also it may not look good because of stacking sectors.
  13. Feels like they're cropped from Doom 64 lol POV: You lose playing poker and your king angry about this
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