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About TVdinnermasterchef

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  1. I played them on the PS1 back in the day. The first map on that (the one with the SSG in between 2 flights of stairs with an opening leading to a central outdoor courtyard, flanked by 2 parallel corridors which circle round via a computer-control room style section) is amazing. I actually thought for many years this was the official Map01 of Doom II. However, going back as an adult, I've realised some are complete toss, and should be avoided. Don't live up to today's offerings, but were an additional set of levels very early on that most people, I'm sure, appreciated at the time.
  2. Make it so it ressurects when killed by enemy fire. That way you can still use it for infighting, but you have to kill it yourself for it to finally die. The enemies would stop targeting it once it dies until it hits them again, meaning some intricately planned fights can be choreographed whereby certain monster populations need culling at specific intervals in order to prevent you becoming swarmed.
  3. No, it's not excessive really, it's only 42,000 enemies... When a 31 year old game requires the highest end computer on the market to run it, something has gone very, very wrong.
  4. I played through Profane Promiseland (with saves, christ I'm not THAT good), and got all the way to the 2nd to last fight. At which point my laptop was reduced to a smoldering wreck, achieving about 2 fps and rendering the entire exercise annoyingly futile. Shame, as I was having a great time up till that point. Can highly recommend, provided your PC can handle about 2000 on screen monsters at a time. However, I certainly won't be wasting another week of my life any time soon for no pay off.
  5. I came here to make this same stupid joke, but once again find I am late to the party. Touché
  6. No, that's the US president. Zero Master's phone is gun metal grey.
  7. Drums without a doubt. You can literally change the pace of any section of a song, add polyrythms for complexity, emphasise certain sounds the other instruments make and change the entire atmosphere of a track. 2 people could write 2 separate drum tracks to the same song and you'd effectively have 2 entirely different songs.
  8. Stage 1. Any insult of varying quality following the word 'Fucking...', as in; Fucking dickhead Fucking baghead Fucking bumhole You fucking bellend So on, so forth. Stage 2. On occasion, the insult alone is enough, depending on the level of frustration at the time; Ass hat Knob Dildo Silly twat Stage 3. Once breaking point has been reached, a generic gutteral roar emitted through clenched teeth will suffice. This is usually followed by the wife looking at me and aiming any of the terms from stage 2 at me (most notably the final example). Stage 4. The game is closed and my laptop is carefully put away before my marriage dissolves.
  9. John Carmack invented Democracy in ancient Athens whilst he was Dr Who's sidekick. He later reprogrammed the Tardis to play Doom whilst in 1993, trapping himself in our timeline and resulting in the hit video game we all know today.
  10. Post-Earth invasion, Greg the imp, Esq. finds himself with 2 weeks of leave but little to occupy his attention. As he rounds the corner of the downtown plaza a bright neon sign draws his attention. 'Total Recall?' he mutters to himself, his mind wandering to all the scenarios he can imagine himself in. 'Perhaps I'll give this place a try'...
  11. Thanks for introducing me to mapping and giving me the impetus to give it a go. Had a blast working on the map and honestly, thanks to the talented mappers involved in this project, the WADs have turned out absolutely fantastic. Congrats to all involved, can't wait to download these and give them a whirl.
  12. I blame the illuminati; just the next step in their plan for world dominance! I've had a couple more attempts at trying to diagnose this but have given up. No idea what is happening here. Especially if it doesn't happen every time? Perhaps a piece of map info explaining that; 1. You have to use IDCLEV32 on limit removing source ports only to access the map (visplane overflow on Vanilla ports), and 2. A rare glitch sometimes softlocks you in the blue key room. IDCLIP has to be used to traverse through the blue door when this happens. I've wondered if it could be linked to the secret entrance to that room (the second blue door accessed by going through the cave behind the boxes next to the revenant platform in the starting outdoor area, which has a second blue keycard), but I've seen plenty of levels with multiple of the same keys available, and have never seen this error. Do you think this could be causing issues? The extra key could be removed and a linedef added that opens the blue room door from inside of the secret cave, without the need for a blue key, just in case? It doesn't soft lock when testing though, so I don't know if this would achieve anything.
  13. Thanks mate. It could be, as I haven't set the compatibility to strict on my new version of GZDoom yet.
  14. OK, so I realised I was using GZDoom 4.7.1, so I updated to 4.9 (which NiGHTS108 was using) to try to emulate the lock in. Went into UDB, both door linedefs reference the correct sector of the door. I noticed that the red key door, which does not fail, was missing a tag on 1 side, so I deleted the tags on the offending door. Door still opened from both sides, no lock in. I went back in and replaced the tags on the door linedefs. Door opened from both sides, no lock in. There could be a deeper issue here, and I'm not sure where to go with my limited experience and understanding. Would you mind having a look Doomkid, and let me know what the problem was if you find anything?
  15. Thanks mate, glad to know it sounds good, I'll write the drum track to all my future songs now I know how it's done. Thanks for the help figuring it out. I'll boot the file up tonight and take a look, hopefully it will be a relatively simple fix.
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