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About hatehatehatehate

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Came up in shuffle today, and just giving some love to the creator. Fantastic experience.
  2. Well, I know what I'll be doing this afternoon. UPDATE: these maps are some of the best I've played this year. It's so goddamn good.
  3. I discovered this thread today, and have been using it on a few wads. I'm impressed with it. Together with Mari FX, it really makes maps pop. Getting a Borderlands vibe here. Where things are clean, yet still retro. Great job.
  4. Gladly found this last night on IdGames. Typical 11/10 experience so far, from a Mount Rushmore mapper.
  5. I'm super excited for the Global Profiles feature. Thank you for all your hard work on this, adding features, and fixing/improving. It's really, really appreciated. Edit: I just tried the Global Profile feature. It's frickin amazing.
  6. This is right in my wheelhouse, and I'm really enjoying it so far. Looks fantastic, no performance woes. Great job.
  7. I have a bug report hobo: - open a wad and let it run, close out - delete that wad file from your library (Note: issue also occurs if you just rename it) - click the menu button, select Play Random (notice the wad you opened/deleted is still displayed) - click OK to play a random wad nothing happens.
  8. Dr ROCk, I thought the same thing about the resize popups at first. But it's a non-issue, for me at least, since you can just maximize those windows.
  9. Much obliged for the changes Hobo. Doom Complete now launches ExMx format wads without issue. Great stuff. Also, just noticed the file renaming is extended. Many thanks for that. Also also, just noticed that there's like three times more titles on the idGames tab. Awesome!
  10. Game changer for me. Much appreciated. Found something noteworthy today from two wads (The Sentinel's Lexicon, and the new Ramp2023 project): these are compilation wads with hundreds of maps, but in Doom Launcher they both only show the maps for the Hubs, which is like 3 maps for each wad. So, none of those maps will show up in stats. Is this a compatibility thing you're able to tweak on your end? Note: Lexicon's maps have a three character prefix and then the map #, while Ramp2023 is just MAP01-MAP296 (-ish).
  11. 1. No problem at all. I can easily still get to any map in NERVE through console or launch parameters. 2. I don't quite understand, but that's OK. Slight plot twist: I would use DoomComplete (JPL's Wadsmoosh project) to get around this whole issue, but there's one problem: when using DoomComplete in Doom Launcher, it won't load up any maps using the E1M1 format. I'd thought of bringing that up earlier in this thread, but never did. 3. Any file. I rename all my wads (through Doom Launcher) for organization purposes. Doom Launcher lets me rename up to 44 characters (which is a lot), but yea, it'd be cool to extend that to 60 or 70. It's not a big deal and no one else probably cares, but it's something that I noticed. Feature Request: Thank you for adding to the queue!
  12. Hi Hobo, I found a few things you may or may not want to look at, and forgive in advance if my explanation is confusing, especially for the 2nd issue: 1. Nerve.wad (the No Rest For The Living expansion) won't play by default using your launcher. It uses the Doom2 iWad, but cannot find the levels. It just looks for MAP01-09. But, NERVE's levels are called actually called LEVEL01, LEVEL02 etc. So, you may want to tweak.. 2. That new Show Play Dialog option you put in, for skipping the launch screen. I have it unchecked. So, if I have Doom2 as the default iWad to use, and I use your Play Random feature, and the launcher selects a Doom 1 wad that I haven't yet played (i.e. E1M1, E1M2 etc), it just loads up a Doom 2 map. So, I can't really stay unchecked with Show Play Dialog unless Doom Launcher calls a DOOM 2 pWad. There's probably no way around that right? 3. Renaming Files. There's a character limit when you rename files. Can you extend that a couple dozen or so characters? Also, feature request: Can you add drag and drop functionality in the Load Order section? Regardless, love this launcher and thanks for all your hard work on this amazing app.
  13. Having performance issues reaching the big cavern. It's such a good map tho so far (I haven't finished yet). Kudos/high five. Edit: finished. Super satisfying. The cavern fights are really iconic. I'll not forget them anytime soon. The whole experience was 9/10 (-1 only for performance, but it's complex geometry so understandable). Anyway, GREAT MAP, and perfect size IMO. All it needs is a proper name lol.
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