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About SoBad

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    Pretty Bad
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  1. Shame you're retired. Would've loved to see you post something like this. :/
  2. Just finished the last few maps while ponky breathed heavy and wet over my shoulder. Even that couldn't ruin this wad. Give it a try or risk never being invited to the cool parties.
  3. Excellent wad. Can't wait to try the last few maps. And even can't wait-er for the anti-science crowd to complain about the difficulty.
  4. I've patched the map so it doesn't break in GZDoom any more and updated the download in the OP. (Also addressed some texture errors.) Thanks everyone for the demos and vids. Been super fun to watch. <3
  5. Yeah sorry I've just been very busy. Haven't had time to muck about with it but I took a quick look and I'm 99% sure the issue is just conveyor speeds in GZDoom, which has been known about for years as far as I can tell. Better mappers design around it (if they want to)—I'm a noob. I also understand that it probably can't be fixed since it might break a massive backlog of maps that have been made in the past with only GZDoom conveyor speeds in mind. You're totally right! At the time, I didn't know sector effects could be changed that easily (without raising or lowering the floor). I also didn't know that voodoo dolls weren't affected by instant kill floor. So this was my funky homebrew lol. Raven was super helpful in pointing those things out during/afterward (thanks, Raven!), but I didn't see the point in going back and changing the setup since it was already working. But now it seems there's value in 'fixing' it since it'll address GZDoom compatibility. So I'll do that when I have time. Thank you <3
  6. Oh weird! Were you outside of the safe sector the second time, I wonder?
  7. I'm surprised you would think that's unintended given the nature of the map, haha. :(
  8. It's a complicated setup so I'll have to figure out what the issue actually is another day. But will do!
  9. Hey did you play in GZDoom by chance? That room is completely different (and broken) in GZDoom
  10. If you're using a batch file or command line arguments to launch the game, make sure you include '-complevel 21' in there somewhere. If you're using a fancy launcher, find where it lets you set the compatibility level and make sure it's set to '21' or 'MBF21'. Or if you never do any of that, in dsda-doom, in Options -> General, you can scroll over to miscellaneous and set your default compatibility level to 'mbf21' like I have here, and then probably restart dsda-doom: In future, if you're on Windows, I have a launcher specifically designed to be underfeatured and easy to use for newer players, which you can get here if you need it: https://sobad.itch.io/minimalist-doom-launcher ZDL is also a hugely popular launcher and is just better if you like crazy modded experiences with GZDoom.
  11. Sorry to let you down! Nothing's for everyone but hey thanks for playing. <3 Ultimately a very regular experience, I'm sure.
  12. Definitely nothing untoward going on. Subverter is a single map for Doom 2. MBF21 REQUIRED. Tested in dsda-doom 0.24.2. Should also work fine in any port that supports MBF21 and UMAPINFO. EDIT: Map no longer breaks in GZDoom, but please use DSDA-Doom for best experience. A first playthrough should take 7–10 minutes; it's not possible to get lost. Difficulties Implemented: No (you'll be fine) Co-op: Don't you dare Resource used: cc4-tex Download: subverter_rc2.zip
  13. I didn't deny that you could describe the plasma gun as more flexible. I denied that that's a meaningful trait to have in a Doom weapon. If you had infinite cells, you would run around with the bfg out and essentially never swap to the plasma gun (or really any other gun)—except in contrived, highly hypothetical situations, or situations that don't matter (like sniping one gunner on a pillar in the distance—who cares if you do that less efficiently?). At no point is anyone thinking, "The bfg's no good in this fight because it's not flexible enough." Dealing damage quickly to eliminate threats and clear space matters more than absolutely anything else in this game. It's you who needs to give examples of when "flexibility" is a core concern. Here you're admitting that you're challenging yourself by using the plasma gun, implying that it's worse. Which it is. For the reason previously stated: The iwads are in no way testing or challenging. They're terrible for analyzing weapon balance because you can get away with almost anything, as you have—with the plasma gun. If you had enough bullets, you could beat every map in Doom 2 with just the chaingun. I wonder if that makes the chaingun overpowered. Doom 2 is one of the earliest attempts in its genre. It's riddled with level design oddities and small balance issues. It's okay to admit that. They probably messed up with the division of utility/power between the plasma gun and bfg and we found out about it only years later by practicing with the weapons and learning to use them more effectively. Id Software made one of the greatest games ever, but it isn't perfect, and they aren't infallible. If the plasma gun is worse than the bfg in modern, harder maps, then it was worse than the bfg in the iwads. It was just harder to notice. This is all that's being said to you. OP asked when they should be using the plasma gun over the bfg, without specifying if they were only ever going to play the iwads, so you shouldn't give an answer that's only applicable (and still probably wrong) for the iwads. A better answer would've been: "The iwads are so easy that it doesn't matter. In modern maps, you'll almost never prefer the plasma gun over the bfg, if you have enough ammo for the latter."
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