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Everything posted by CittyKat112

  1. Ah, sorry then. I got this information from Doomwiki and didn't do a proper search. I knew projectiles can fly over/under things though.
  2. It is, the infinite height limitation was removed in Heretic and it uses the same engine.
  3. Ban the user below me for liking Brutal Doom.
  5. You don't even have a child, you don't know what this is like, you... TRUCKER!
  6. That's not very sex. Not at all...
  7. Why did you make this thread if you don't care?
  8. Coul monstah rooster. I feal liek its' gonna be an epik cummunity projekt, hell yea keep um comin' bro.
  9. CittyKat112


    100% certified classic. I'd give it 5 stars if it wasn't for MAP28.
  10. Yeah, Piercing Evil is the best map in the set imo. I hope Fiendish will participate in this month's DBP as well just to see what they'll come up with next. Snowy44 did outstanding work as well, he almost always manages to make two maps each month and usually they're very good. Can't wait to see you tackle MAP07, everyone who's streamed the wad keeps making fun of this map because there's too much health on the map :/
  11. It was, but Fiendish said it didn't feel like a proper secret so I untagged it.
  12. I pistol-start on my first go around and play continuous on subsequent playthroughs.
  13. DBP48. It was made ESPECIALLY for Brutal Doom.
  14. NO for action focused gaemz such as First and Third Person Shooters, beat 'em up games, etc and mega yes for RPGs.
  15. You're welcome lol. I just played the newer version and I don't have any bugs issues to report. And yeah, I was talking about the teleport swarm. I ended up saving a lot of cell ammo this time because I let the cyberdemons do most of the job. Screenshots: https://imgbox.com/g/UFT3kaZcDA
  16. Just beat it. Pretty cool map! I liked the visuals and combat, even though the final fight felt a little bit anticlimactic. I didn't encounter any bugs, but I have a couple suggestions: - Are those chaingunners on screenshot #1 set to ambush? I'd suggest changing that because you can easily miss them on your first go around. - This thing on screenshot #2 looks pretty neat. - I'd suggest making those orange thingies transparent to signpost you can't use them as a cover against the arch-vile. - This blood pool with a dead doombuy in it looks cool, but I think it'd look even better if you'd lower it by 1 map unit to give it a tiny bit more depth. - Screenshots #5 and #6 - you can hide behind this rock and it could probably be used to cheese the final fight. Didn't test it, but I thought it's worth mentioning anyway. - I think it's worth adding one or two cell packs near the spider masterminds because I ran out of cells and had to reload a save so I could two-shot that cyberdemon before the exit. But that probably was poor ammo management on my part so I guess that's fine. That's pretty much it. Screenshots: https://imgbox.com/g/G5xJQLwKVM
  17. I have to leave this CP. I don't have inspiration to make a map and every time I tried to start working on my map for this project, I couldn't come up with any ideas...
  18. Just beat it. Nice map, the beginning was a bit hard but once you realize you're supposed to rush for the SSG, you'll be fine. I only found one issue: there's these light columns at the beginning and they act like stairs. Consider making the lowest step of these columns impassable. Everything else was fine. I was going to say this map could use a bit more health but actually it's not that bad, especially if you save the soulsphere for emergencies. Screenshots (literally two screenshots because I didn't find any misalignments or missing textures lol): https://imgbox.com/g/dwlgZzj9uF
  19. Playing the newer version right now and found a bug: And a misaligned texture: This fence is probably broken. I can't go through the lower part of it: Also I'm disappointed you removed an arch-vile from the red key fight. It became too easy because of that imo :/ Just beat the final fight. It's better, but still a bit of a pushover. Plus you can cheese it a bit by staying in the penultimate fight area and luring all of the flying enemies inside. Also some of the arachnotrons are a bit hard to kill because projectiles collide with the geometry. I'm waving at those arachnotrons in the screenshots: https://imgbox.com/g/Q8KeAuuF8s Also I'd suggest to crush that cyberdemon at the end. Fighting him after you've dealt with everything else is a bit sloggish.
  20. I got bored and decided to play some of the other maps posted here. MAP06 by @CblBOPOTKA - There are still issues with the skybox (see screenshots). - Two perched chaingunners in the exit area can fall down rendering 100% kills impossible. Screenshots: https://imgbox.com/g/JizgO4nVpp MAP21 by @Bloodbath Giraffe - The first fight can be cheesed if you hug the wall on the hell knight side. This way you can shoot rockets at hell knights and the cyberdemon along with the imps and revenants won't be able to shoot you. - You can cheese the plasma rifle fight by jumping out the window (the insta-lowering pillar where the plasma rifle is can be used as a ledge if you time it right). Not sure if this should be changed because it's actually pretty hard to pull off (not only do you need to do it at the right time, you also need to be looking at a fixed angle) and this cheese might also come in handy for UV-Speed runners. But I figured I'd let you know about it anyway. I think there were some other things I wanted to mention but those were some minor nitpicks, so whatever. No screenshots because I didn't find any bugs or misalignments. Also because I played it yesterday and deleted the screenshots :/
  21. I forgot to put a proper exit and will have to remove a shitty platforming section. Plus the map is too short and I don't have a name for it yet. I'll send you a link with that version in DMs.
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