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About AtomicLemonic#OG

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  1. how do you use switches I've been trying to make an elevator that activates by a switch but it just lowers the the dam thing (by the way I'm using ultimate doom builder) please some one point me in the direction in a tutorial on how to make a dam switch work please
  2. ive been trying to make elevators but they have not been working as intended they just don't move at all. I tryed the platform action i tryed the elevator action nothing seems to work for what am i doing wrong here
  3. trided that does'nt work.still no texture added at all
  4. i desicded to go back to doom waddding recently and then UDB ( Ultimate doom builder) Say im missing resources/ textures look at this what did i do wrong here becuasse this is consering me
  5. i can't open door after i went throw to them what the hells going on thier did i code it wrong orr what
  6. I think did somthing wrong to my doom builder seem as it's having a lot of errors and this is what it shows could someone tell me if i fucked up here because this censers me
  7. so i decided to get back in to trying to make doom mods when out of nowhere the yellow glow seems to go missing. Ya know the one that's always there when moving the floor or ceiling it's gone for some reason and i need to know what did i break in the software that a may fix it
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