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About Synami

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  1. AAA games are a strange case to me, some of them look really cool e.g most of the recent CoD games but I feel like they place more of an emphasis on graphics than playability or the amount of actual content. Black Ops 6 is reported to have a 309.8GB file size, which is absurd for a single game. The gameplay reveal trailers aren't even what they claim to be either, and naming it that when looking at the final video is nothing short of insulting to the people who still care about a mostly tarnished series. Doesn't ring a good bell for the actual amount of content included, as if I willingly bought this game, I'd probably take more time installing it than going through the campaign. I will not be surprised whatsoever if companies like Activision Blizzard start partnering up with SSD manufacturers to bundle single games, give it a year or two.
  2. Unfortunate that this isn't vanilla, but I have a lot of time to kill so consider me interested!!
  3. This map's really nice to play through !! Ammo's a little tight but a bit of foreknowledge prevents that from being too much of a hindrance :^)
  4. arcadedoomsynE4M3 1.1.zip Applied the missing texture fixes, gave a green armour on UV at the start alongside a small marble platform, added some fodder after the start, alongside fixing a control sector.
  5. E4M3 (Wicked Spirits) is ready for testing !! MIDI name's the same, UV-Max time is around 5 minutes. @Quin Also, question - how'll you choose the MIDIs for maps which have overlapping ones (such as this and E3M3) ? I've made a custom MIDI for this map in particular, but if you prefer yours then you can choose that to override mine. Screenies: arcadedoomsynE4M3 1.0.zip
  6. Cop RC1! (synlndst.zip, 937kb) Lineal Distancing is a community project which I started in November 2023, and after periods of inactivity and testing, it's finally in a RC state! THE GIMMICK: For each 1024x1024 block from the origin, no more than 64 linedefs can be placed. This is the core rule of the project, which also counts control sectors but not teleport closets. This means control sectors count towards the line count in each 1024x1024 block they affect. Teleport closets are somewhat exempt to this, as they usually take up enough lines to have a noticeable reduction in map complexity. They still apply to the block and line rule, but only in the block they're in, not the ones where the player usually is. Mapping signatures do not count towards the limit for each block, as long as they aren't accessible to the player without noclip. SCREENSHOTS: MAP LIST: MUSIC LIST: PAR TIMES (UV-Max):
  7. Hey, quick update!

    Lineal Distancing is really close to being in a release candidate state. Currently, I'm waiting for a MIDI for one of the maps, since the original one designated is too large for vanilla DOOM to handle. Hopefully it'll be out in either a few hours or, at most, a couple days.


    Also, I'm aware I haven't been as active as I used to. I apologise for practically going AWOL, but college work is starting to become a non-issue in terms of taking up my time, so I'll be a lot more free for the next two months or so! =)

  8. Pretty cool and really spacious. Could be more populated considering the map size, but I feel like most of the focus was on atmosphere, which this map does somewhat nicely.
  9. This year has easily been the best for me, as of now. College and secondary school are like night and day, where having the privilege to hone in on music feels infinitely more gratifying than preparing for exams. The only thing I'd say I'm missing from having an ideal life is finding a partner - maybe in '24? :^)
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