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About Earnesttrout

  • Rank
    Doesn't look at explosions
    Green Marine

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  1. I am a bit late but thank you for using my map! and very huge pats-on-the-back all around are very well deserved
  2. I will try to do this in a single segment so that it is demo compatible although in practice I will use saves and loads
  3. I was going for an early shotgun but didn't want to get sniped so i took out all of the enemies first, the early shotgun helps in the next room because you can get sneeked (is that a word?) up on by shotgunners and a single blast can kill them, rather than praying to rngsus for the pistol to do good damage
  4. I was wondering if anyone has done this before and I haven't seen much about it, so here is a few of my first attempts: E1 Nodamage.zip If you can do it then I will give you an internet high five!
  5. Thank you everyone for making most amazing maps for us all to enjoy! And thank you to doomkid for introducing me to art of doom mapping (not too long ago actually)
  6. It was ment to hide it slightly as it makrs life easier if you press it. But if it is annoying i will move it away
  7. Finally got around to fixing the step. https://doomshack.org/uploads/Dark secrets 1.6.zip
  8. Just made it through cavern of earth in the pixel remaster, Beat up the litch at the end
  9. Glad you enjoyed my map, I deliberately made it on the shorter side to counter some of the long maps that have been submitted, I will fix the yellow key secret so a step raises up when you grab the blue key, the reason it wasn't there to begin with is to make speedruns harder. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.
  10. I thought maybe having the pillars lower but only from that side and also having goodies on top of them.
  11. Sadly I have Mock exams on the steaming date, however I will be sure to watch the reviews on YouTube and look forward to doing so!
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