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About Jizzwardo

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    Waiting for something to happen?

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  1. Noted, thank you! I hope that's all of them tbh..
  2. Hey just to let everyone know I updated the wad with just a few bugfixes and a slight update to one of the fights. In a few days I'm going to upload this version to idgames. Thanks again to everyone who played!! I really appreciate it and its been so fun to hear people's feedback.
  3. Thanks so much for playing! I loved watching your demo :) it felt like you experienced the wad exactly how I wanted/intended players to. Thanks for playing! Your demos were really interesting and fun to watch, I've never imagined someone playing it like that before XD, but yes, I do think its also fine. Those softlocks are being fixed before I release on idgames however. Thanks for that!
  4. Hey thanks so much for playing! I'm really glad you liked it :) If you wanna try to find the yellow key, here's a hint: Thanks for the demo! It was really fun to watch :D
  5. hehe yeah, its a bit more clear if someone were to have exited normally first through the main way, and then released the yellow key lets you access/touch the actual flower haha, but I'm ok with it being like this anyway :)
  6. Thanks for playing! About the missing elements: I guess I just felt it was too small for those things haha, and I already included a secret so I didn't think anything else was necessary XD, also the exit maps are just maps to prevent you from going into one of the doom 2 maps XD they don't have exits haha.
  7. Thanks so much for playing!! I'm really glad to hear you liked it :D, it was really fun to watch the demo.
  8. Hi, Orca is a very short, single map-long WAD visually influenced by rd's Eden, and otherwise inspired by the song scp2.mid. All difficulties are implemented, with UV being moderately challenging. The wad is tested with dsda-doom in mind for complevel 9 (Boom) (tested in 0.27.5), but I also tested in GZDoom 4.10.0 and Eternity 4.02.00 (Eternity however has a bug where one of the exits doesn't seem to work for some reason.. I'm still looking into it). Jumping, mouselook, crouching etc were not considered in the making of the map, so keep that in mind! All feedback is greatly appreciated! Download: here Screenshots: Credits: Special thanks to: @baja blast rd. for being the primary source of inspiration and also her amazing music (one of which was especially updated for this wad :O), @Ravendesk and @Maribo for playtesting, advice, other inspiration and encouragment, and my friend Acute Angle for music suggestions. OLD DOWNLOAD (RC1)
  9. Try something out of your comfort zone! Outer Wilds, Elden Ring, anything FromSoft :)
  10. These songs just blow me away. Outrageously good, you are fantastic!!!
  11. Genuinely the greatest shitpost I've ever read on this site, bravo
  12. Nirvana, Benjogami, Bemused; Insane Gazebo and rd all come to mind for me (Fractured Worlds; The Egg of Human Endeavours/Toilet of the Gods; Abandon; Sunder and Eden all really blew me away when I played them), though I feel like "artistic" maybe isn't something I'd be very confident defining XD, I just tend to think of these as creative and beautiful maps.
  13. My favourite map of all time is Map 10 from the PWAD Haste :p. I'll let you deduce how I feel about them. (hint: why do you expect to go without punishment after a blunder? ;D)
  14. no, it sort of is since having a "cheap" trap is apparently a problem. Why is it a problem? Why is getting hit by projectiles or dying to a trap something that upsets you?
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