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About Zaxxon

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  1. It's a paradox how clutterd with fan service the new movies and shows are, while at the same time manage to destroy what the fans really like about Star Wars. The mythos, the classic characters, the atmosphere and the story continuity have been utterly oblitarated by the sequels. Like that wasn't enough damage already, they also retconned the first six films, while also decanonizing the original canon, so they can replace it with their shitty one. They'll milk that cow until there's nothing left but skin and bones, which they'll make into soup and the skin into decoration.
  2. It's worth mentioning that the main inspiration for Star Wars, was "Flash Gordon", "Dune" and Akira Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai". In fact, Lucas originally wanted to make a Flash Gordon film, as him and Steven Spielberg were huge fans of the old adventure serials they watched as kids. He tried to acquire the rights to make the movie, but he got rejected, so he came up with his own space opera that eventually became Star Wars. For the template of Luke's journey, Lucas took notes from Joseph Campbell's "The Hero with a Thousand Faces", which explores the theory that most historical myths share structural similarities, or to simply quote the wiki:
  3. Yeah, i am wrong here, there is no question about it. I am misinformed and under the impression that Lucas came up with the six episode concept much later. I swear i've watched a documentary that explained his original vision for SW in the 1970's, but that vision was vastly different than what ends up in the movies, including the prequels. It also must have been very weird for moviegoers in 1980 to go see the sequel to Star Wars, titled Star Wars: Episode 5.
  4. He says he always planned it, but is it actually true? I'm not so sure. A New Hope wasn't Episode 4 at the time of its release... it wasn't even called A New Hope, it was called Star Wars. Then came, as you well know, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The movies became episodes 4,5 and 6 in the 90's, when Lucas re-released them with the shitty special editions, while he was already working on the pre-production of the prequels. So if i am to guess, he's not entirely truthful as to when exactly the origin story came to life. He might've taught about it after Empire Strikes Back, but i'm sure nothing was yet written at the time. Not to mention that he had his incredible (then) wife, and a number of talented people to help him save the OT from his terrible writing... because he was always a terrible writer and producer. I strongly suggest you watch the following video... it's amazing how much the magic of post-production can do for a film. And here's the original title crawl from 1977. As you can see, there is no Episode 4 or A New Hope
  5. Both were Tarkin's orders, who by the way was a suprerior to Vader. PS: You also seem to forget that little thing called "The Dark Side" which consumes the mind of the ones who follow its path. Respect the mythos of the SW universe, and stop judging the movies from the point of view of real life morals.
  6. While i like the idea of the prequels and the story (the premise) they tried to tell, i hated the execution. I hate the writing, the direction, the acting and the cast (except Ewan McGregor). I saw The Phantom Menace when it debuted in theaters, and even though i was only twelve at the time, i immediately knew there was something off about the movie. Of course i grew up in the 90's, with the Original Trilogy which we had on VHS. So i agree with you, no other character is more ruined by the prequels than Vader is. Of course, now the prequels pale in comparisan to the utter devastation of the franchise caused by Disney. Remove the prequels and sequels (for me they're both non-canon) from the equation and OT Vader is 100% redeemable, and that's because the OT was well written, without any prequels and sequels in mind.
  7. @hybridial thank you for the suggestions, i will have a good listen these days. Anubis Gate sound familiar to me, i might've stumbled upon them in a random prog metal playlists on youtube. I don't think i've ever heard of Beyond Twilight, or i might have and don't remember. That shouldn't be surprising, as the years go by i tend to forget bands. There was a period a few years ago when i was obsessed with seeking less popular metal bands to get my metal fix. Eventually i got overwhelmed with music that i had no time to listen to, and as a result i've abandoned that hobby. If i was posting in this topic a few years ago, the list would have been longer. Even now, i should've mentioned a few more, but i rushed it :D Buckethead immediately comes to mind now, even though i will never have the time to listen to everything he has released. I forgot to mention the death metal bands SepticFlesh and Tiamat, who are more doomy - both i've listen to a lot in recent years. I also regret not mentioning Stratovarius, as they are a fantastic power metal band with some progressive metal qualities that i absolutely love. Since you're into bands like Dream Theater, Symphony X and Blind Guardian, i recommend giving this a quick listen:
  8. "Working on improving his skills" - Unless we talk about challenge running or speedrunning, i don't understand what you mean. Is Doom a job now? A competition? A sport? Is there a magical price for going on the offensive to improve your skills? I'm starting to think that some people are terribly misled by this community to think that there's only one right way to play this game, a gold standard of sorts that everyone should "work hard" to achieve, otherwise they can't call themselves Doom fans.
  9. Let's not forget that beautiful skybox in Quake 2 that is 1000 times better than the flat cloudy ceiling you have for a sky in Quake 1. Also, the pain animations, the body wounds on enemies that appear when you shoot them, the ability to knock down enemies (you can't do that in Q1, right?), levels consisting of multiple sublevels that you can go back and forth to, and complete mission objectives... Oh yeah, let's not forget that you have actual objectives, voice acting, a story and a well-defined antagonist this time. Much better than having to look for colored keys in every single map, which by 1997 was already a tired trope. What about the smoother animations in Quake 2, remember how janky the movement of the enemies is in Quake 1? There was no Qaukespasm back then to save the day. Quake 2 is so different that it's basically a standalone game, and not just because of the different setting and story departure. Can you say that about Doom 2? And i ask this as someone who also disagrees that Doom 2 is just an expansion for Doom 1. The only reason Doom 2 looks similar is because the Doom engine was still the best engine in 1994, nothing could challenge it until Duke Nukem 3D. id Software did what they had to do to deliver a sequel quickly, and solidify their dominance in the yet non-existing FPS genre. Doom 2 delivers new enemies, new weapon, new textures, fights in larger scale and numbers... more than enough to be a good sequel in 1994, when there was nothing else that could challenge it. The only complaint i have is the rushed design in some levels... they should've put more bodies to work on the game, and not have one guy design 20 maps in less than 10 months.
  10. Yes, that's a possibility, but there's a way to prevent spam too. I doubt there are a lot of newly registered users that want to upload maps on day one, and if they do, you usually get maps with 2 rooms and 10 monsters, in a topic with no screenshots. I don't know, it's just my point of view, i'm not complaining with how things are, let it be the way the powers that be want it to be.
  11. Why is there a Starfleet starship on the title screen of TNT Evilution? Can someone answer this so i can finally get some sleep?
  12. I'm a bit burnt out of playing quality megawads... i think i need something more casual and out of the ordinary, so i decided to explore the uncanny valley of mid-90's shovelwares. That's something completely new to me, and i have to say, it is a lot of fun, because they're so unpredictable. It's like gambling, with the chances stacked against you, because most of these wads are subpar, but every now and then you might stumble upon a surprising gem. Still, it's a lot of fun exploring most of these maps, even the ugly ones in a "so bad it's good" kind of way.
  13. In a lot of other forums, newly registered users are not allowed to start topics until they reach a certain amount of posts, exactly for that same reason, to avoid meaningless and unnecessary topics being posted. I think 100 post is a good threshold for that. It allows the new user to familiarize himself with the forum climate and the type of content that's tolerable. Allowing new members with 0 posts to start their own topics, can only bring you... well, this here. It does no good for the forum, and it only waters down the good content with needless filler threads that no one wants to see.
  14. Many people don't like/hate easy maps, but for me the level of challenge is completely irrelevant if the architecture is good, because i like to explore cool looking maps, this is my main draw to this game, not the challenge. So to put it short, i love any beautiful easy map out there, while i don't mind difficult ones as long as they're reasonable. I love to hate Downtown from Doom 2 and Central Processing from TNT Evilution. Those two are my most hated maps ever! I don't mind Habitat, because i can beat it in seconds, so there is no pain there... you know, it might be bad, but at least it gives you the option to skip it almost entirely - it's a self-aware map, and that's a plus. :D
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