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About sandwedge

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    Heavy as hell, but that's a GOOD thing
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  1. He's trying to get better by... making an alt, never apologizing or admitting anything, and carrying on like nothing happened? This is not the normal way of getting better.
  2. are you saying you're some sort of amalgoom between accounts?
  3. Grungo what are your thoughts on amalgoom
  4. fun challenging map! some real oh shit moments later on. Only annoyance I had was that the areas are fairly cramped and I found myself getting hung up on those damn lightposts a lot lol. You could maybe remove a couple ornaments to make that a bit smoother if you like. But cool map.
  5. Hey there, just played the first 8 maps and had a good time! I haven't played doom much lately and wanted to play some stuff in crispy doom, and I had sat in on one of clippy's videos so this came to mind. Exactly the type of oldschool straightforward levels I felt like playing coming back to doom. Of course great stuff putting so many levels together so quickly! Some specific notes I took (played in crispy doom on ultra-violence pistol start): -Levels have a vanilla feel despite being limit removing, I bet a bunch of this would naturally work under vanilla limits. As a beginner it makes sense to use an easier format, but might be worth checking out vanilla if you're confident because there are quite a few vanilla fans out there like me! Or you could go the route of detailing maps more, or ignore that and do whatever you want, but it looks nice on low res crispy doom settings. Like playing a 90's wad without the annoying stuff lol. -I was starting to feel a bit fatigued with the visuals but then map 6 was a nice breath of fresh air with the outdoor craggy rocks. Some more stuff like that would be cool. I like that it transitions in a techbase type area, going through variable terrain is a nice way to tell a story to a player. -I like a bunch of the larger encounter traps, not too hard but satisfying. Plenty of good incidental combat too, though at times predictable. Something you'll undoubtedly get a feel for as you go. I love mowing down hitscanners so works for me! -Map 7: I had a glitch with the first door into the big area, couldn't open it on the other side to leave the level. Looked at in doom builder and saw a trigger in the rev trap area thats supposed to open it but it didnt work for some reason. Also I figured you could use the map 7 special trigger instead of switches until I realized you have more mancubi in the level. I think for that trigger to work you have to kill all mancubi in the level iirc so maybe that won't work. Or change the later monsters. - In general you use the trick a lot to have several switches to pop up to leave an area, it became a bit tedious after a while. Other wads use different tricks to let you leave that make it hard to exit during fights that dont take so long, maybe just dont require so many switches or dont make it the same type every time. -I think all the levels were about 10-15 minutes long, and all had a lot of backtracking with all the keys. I wouldn't be so afraid to have a bit more variable length, especially with the first few levels, maybe have shorter breather levels, and not necessarily rely on the same backtracking tricks to extend playtime in every level. All in all I enjoyed your work, it's a great first megawad (!) and look forward to playing more!
  6. I always thought crouching felt wrong in doom and now I know why. Don't do this doomguy, please.
  7. I fucking love it but it's gotta have pineapple, ham AND bacon for it to work. It's got a really nice sweet savoury flavour. Without bacon it's really lacking something, I haven't tried it without ham but that might feel like it's missing some heft. This is usually the way it's made around here except for the odd place that fucks it up, or someone orders a custom pizza and fucks it up.
  8. since this thread is still going, I'm not sure if it was mentioned but somebody already remade operation bodycount and it's actually really good! So no need to speculate: The company doesn't need to have anything to do with it. The thread would make more sense if you said what if you do a remake or spiritual successor to x game, but reviving a company that sucked doesn't make much sense. It was the people in the company and/or management that made it the company it was and they couldn't make a good game. Even if they had some shred of an idea that was pretty derivative, they couldn't execute on any of them, so what's the point?
  9. GZDoom is also not an official port.
  10. my favourite doom game is GZDoom (Unofficial Doom Enhancer)! I just can't get enough of it!
  11. What if Grungo made a gimmick account but it was actually funny?
  12. Hey thanks! That's really nice of you!
  13. Clearly nobody watched the movie otherwise you would know it's the Bio Force Gun. But seriously, I always liked Big Fun Gun or even Best Friend Gun :3
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