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About SpellCaster383

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  1. Hello, I would like to thank those that have been involved in this project. I've really enjoyed playing through it. However, I am a bit stuck on The Express Elevator to Hell map. Is it possible to get to the yellow door without using something like idclip? So far, I have all the kills but only 18/23 secrets. I don't suppose anyone knows of a walkthrough where this version of the map is concerned? Thanks. :)
  2. Hello everyone, New member here. I'm thoroughly enjoying this WAD so far but I was wondering if the mod author has a list of the secrets available? I'm really struggling to find them and as of right now, I'm on level 7 (Sector R), and cannot find even one of the four secrets. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. :) Edit: I've just found one of them (well, it counts for 2/4 for some reason). I opened up the map in Slade and saw the location of it. I'm not sure about the other one (I presume it's one), though.
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