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About Goat-Avenger

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  1. Cannabis: sacred plant - Cultivated and consumed ritualistically, ceremonially, and medicinally for thousands of years. - Vilified, scapegoated, and criminalized by fearful and prejudiced folk. (Pubic enemy #1, (Harry J. Anslinger) and such) - Propagandized as an inducer of stupidity, slowness of wit, duller of motivation, and sloth (as well as championed as such in jest and good cheer by certain initiates). - Often popularly and foolishly misused and abused. - Mendicant to some, relaxing to others, stimulating yet to others, and can enhance the senses. - Mild psychedelic capable of eliciting mild to profound bliss, euphoria, peace, well being, levity, etc., and conversely, capable of producing mild to profound discomfort, fear, and unease depending on the individual, their current mental state/circumstances, and their surroundings. It's not for everyone. And that's okay. Perhaps on par, in some respects, with visiting your local library (as one might learn something there).
  2. @Cammy Just noticed this thread and the download link doesn't seem to work for me (Tried both Firefox and Chrome, etc..).
  3. I've given it one or two brief spins in the VM. I think he had a love and passion for computers. I'm glad he shared it with us.
  4. It's like as if nuts.wad was on estrogen during a bad acid trip, while you're getting slapped in the face by your favorite goth girl crush, and you kind of enjoyed it. Pros: Artful, Creative, and Interesting Cons: Could have used 1 or 2 more revenants in a few select spots. And... holy shit balls...
  5. Maybe a couple human skeletons (one of each sex), a wide array of human DNA samples, a few samples of cells from each kingdom, a sample of a some radioactive rock enclosed in a lead container, the entire archive of archive.org (housed in Hard Drives), a desktop computer with an easy swap bay for the hard drives and an OS housed in firmware, a small library of books, and some fossil records (stone tablets of ancient writing and the various progression of tools, that have defined epochs and such, as they happened through out our evolution, spears and arrowheads up to silicon chips). And then maybe a respectable collection of vinyl music, movies, etc.. So ya figure just launch a sort of, library up there. Ya figure an 8 by 8 foot room ought to fit all that crap up in there. I can't think of a good humorous responses.. :/
  6. 'S'aright. A bit weird tho, sometimes... People seem to gravitate most, towards the sports that involve a lot of head trauma...
  7. I've been using them all to mean that I dislike something... nah, heh.. I think the ambiguity of them of them is what makes it so awesome; and none of the power ups are bad. Invis sphere is a bit of wild card though, to me..
  8. I remember exactly where I was. I was in HighSchool at the time. Classes continued; but, all the T.V.s were on, displaying the news as it unfolded. I think there was a mixed reaction from the different teachers. Some of them just continued on like normal, trying not to be hysterical about it, and others allowed us to watch the news at the time. A lot of it is vague; but, I remember seeing the footage, on the news, in my school; and I remember exactly my thoughts at the time... I think about the event often, and have spent quite a bit of time looking into it and back over it, over the years... The collective American psyche and the entire American culture and ethos, was changed that day. Things changed that day, and haven't quite been the same since before it...
  9. I appreciate the feedback; thnx. I don't think there is much I can do about the rooms/areas feeling a bit too big and long-winded at times. I could attempt a fix; but, I'm pretty burnt out on working on this too much more. Oh well. I know backtracking is also often considered a no-no; but, it's a bit intended by the map design; exploration being an intended feature, etc.. I did fix the tricky and ambiguous door, on your suggestion. That area was one of the first I worked on, and I hadn't intended to make any custom textures at that point, and just figured red/green markings on those buttons would eventually be enough to elucidate their purpose. So, yeah, fixed that up. A bit of my greenhorns showing through there. Easy fix, thnx, again. And I did add some more health. The lack of extra health stations was probably just more laziness, as there were some prime spots for some more of those, that I just didn't stick in there. A few other small changes/bug fixes were included as well into rc-2. Thnx again @ScrappyMcDoogerton
  10. I'm finally ready to release the first version, (wow, that took a while.) ---UPDATED:2022-09-04 UDMF Experiment (RC 2) - udmfexperiment-rc2.wad https://wadhosting.com/Wad/8B450B3BDD70087A965797321C0D703D84A77B87 requires freedoom2.wad for the iwad --- The Gist: I had never used the UDMF before, so I decided to experiment with it a bit. After giving it a go, I came up with a tech-base-ish map that uses Freedoom2.wad as the base. There are some texture embelishments, a few neat things with ACS, some nice music (IMO), and some Free Software propaganda. Constructive criticism, bug reports, etc., are welcome. Thnx for taking a look / giving it a go, if you do. Tested With: Zandronum (should work in gzdoom just fine) Format: ZDoom/Doom2 UDMF Limits: crouch/jump is disabled freelook is a go, but may not be required. hardware and software rendering should both be fine Features: ACS, a few custom textures, sounds, and a unique music track Difficulties: implemented. level 4 difficulty is tough, but not anything crazy, I don't think. (~250ish monsters) Time-to-Complete: Probably 15ish minutes or so. Could be done much quicker, or might take a little longer, depending...
  11. There is no cloud; and there is no, 'metaverse.' heh. runaway..
  12. I don't know a whole lot about the technical specifications of protocols and their inner workings and what not. I do see a lot of words thrown around like, 'archaic,' 'jurassic,' and the like, however. Archaic, and jurassic, are pretty descriptive words to be using for a protocol that is barely 50 years old. Marxist philosophy, for example, is far older than the FTP protocol; same goes for the Wealth of Nations. So I'd just like to point out, that there are very, very recent and modern usages of so called, 'archaic,' magnetic tape, as a storage medium, as well as laser etched disks, for long term storage. These are examples of where old technology has turned out to be tried and true. The root of the argument is basically, as I understand it: why use X when we now have Y? Or perhaps: is there any reason to use X as opposed to the newer Y? I won't argue about technical specifications and things of that nature, because I'm not well versed in that; but, it's an interesting argument. Why use a campfire when we have a microwave? Why use a hammer when you have a nailgun? Why use an axe when you have a chainsaw? Why wear straight cut jeans when you can wear bell bottoms? Why ride a horse when you can drive a car? I'm sure there was a time when some one wondered: why use anything else other than asbestos? There are so many variables, and things are apt to change at virtually any moment. We think we are always on the cusp, the edge, until later we realize we may very well not have been at all. Sometimes progress really is progress. Sometimes progress is actually regress. There may very well turn out to be situations where a particular leap in progress was actually regressive, only later to be rediscovered again as actually progressive. As for FTP and merits, I don't know... FTP was fun though, and easy to use, at one point in time; and anything that does the same thing today, to me, just does the same thing, albeit, differently, in a different time. Pardon my discourse... heh.
  13. It's a cult classic. So, I suppose you'd just have to be the type that gravitates towards it. The acting is sooooo bad, lol, when I look back on those films now. However, I can see why my younger self was so immersed. There's always this mystery about it. "who is the tallman?" "how's this going to end?" I always found myself wanting answers, and you get some, but your always left with more questions... It has the horror aspect and rests in that genre; but, there's this mystery too it, that unravels, but never completely... lol. I dunno...
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