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Johnny Cruelty

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About Johnny Cruelty

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  1. I am not related to Johnny Cruelty's leader. because i don't need help. i'm sorry Johnny Cruelty. -Unmaker23

  2. I know it's painful Johnny but you have to let Grungo go back into the wild where he belongs.

  3. I rather fix my friendship with you than break your faith, I apologize if I am acting weird or anything, all I asked was just some credit. but you can have all credit if you want if it risks me not being your friend. Look, I am not the best person, but I don't wanna be the worse person forever man, I like ya, and you're cool, and my ego and powertrip as a project lead made me stick my head up my ass. I promise to do better but I don't want you to think I am a horrible person, I mean I kinda was but I guess I didn't realize it, It's just I think I let the project and my maps go to my head, that I focused on the map more than my peers and it caused me to get angry. and I didn't intend to, but I did it out of my emotion because I didn't realize I was hurting my friends. I will improve but keep my name out of map02 if it means I won't be your friend anymore, I rather have another chance of befriending you than be credited. But rest assured, I am trying better, I haven't had time to read that book of yours more though unfortunately, due to finals, a new job, and other stuff but I will read more this week since I get 18 days off. But I came here because I just think maybe people could know I worked on the maps too, I didn't come to start shit, I just wanted some people to know "hey johnny laid out the groundwork" but you don't have too now. Just please know I am trying and I don't wanna be cruel no more.
  4. yeah because at the time I was tired busy and I watched the entire thing, and I thought watching the entire thing was equal to playing it. I admit I was just lazy and I didn't not wanna play your map out of hatred of the map. , sure I guess maybe it was not nice to say I should've played it later when I felt better, but I wasn't smug about it, nor did I felt smug. I loved your map, but I was clingey and culture shocked on the big changes at the time because a lot of stuff was changed, like the super shotgun area, the chainsaw, the teleporter changes, and the backpack area removed. I was stupid at the time and I wasn't thinking correctly and I should've sat down and thought what to say instead of firing all cylinders. I apologize for pissing you off, but I didn't wanna play your map out of hatred of it, I was just tired and lazy at the time and I watched the whole thing being played in the voicechat stream. I am no0t trying to disrespect, all I ask is credit that's it. Plus I gave you project lead because I didn't feel mentally capable of leading and I didn't feel like a good person at the time, and you were the smartest guy around Plus another reason why I didn't wanna play the map at the time, because It was essentially almost the same map, just heavilly modified for better flow so it felt very familar, it also ammounts to me being lazy at the time and being tired. but rest assured, I don't hate it, but I did get scared and disturbed by the changes, because I am not used to change and it takes me a minute to digest and accept it.
  5. I didn't wanna play it at the time because I saw the entire thing in stream on discord, not because I simply hated it, plus I only disliked a few changes not the entire map because it was different from the previous version, like some secrets removed and stuff, I like the map, but maybe I spoke the wrong words at the time, and I didn't know watching a entire level being 100%ed is different from playing it plus, it is still my work too, sure I may've made mistakes, but it doesn't give you the right to discredit me when I put lots of effort into the map
  6. Hey, also uhh, can I be credited for map02 and map03? I started both maps and then they got heavily reworked but I didn't get any credit for them please and thank you.
  7. IDK, I just wanted to see if they're still alive
  8. you still listen to MF Doom ye olde ancient one?
  9. ATTENTION deadline has been pushed to Febuary 2nd, since we made amazing progress these past 2 months
  10. DTWID is a nice job, but most of the levels feel too... tom hall-y (which is good news for me because I love his level design) but yeah I feel like every level is designed to be good, I feel the true DTWID needs to have a few dilberately shitty levels that leaves a impression on the player
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