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Everything posted by heliumlamb

  1. 2x bang miami cola and one pack of the cursed american death weed tubes (cajun pesticide variety). of course i regret. i continue to show my circulatory and respiratory systems the utmost disrespect. i suffer for chemical's sake. ive tried to quit the latter at least 6 times now since december, trying again in a couple of days. hate it
  2. i cannot pick one from that 22 year period, i will have to settle between painkiller, devil daggers, cruelty squad, E.Y.E divine cybermancy and h-halo t-two. all are exquisite in their own ways.
  3. rest in peace capstone, the pinnacle of entertainment software.
  4. no end in sight! 4 whole episodes for the ultimate doom. one of the best if you like your doom feeling like a bunch of sprawling dungeons with loads of switches and secrets.
  5. still at it on my first map here's some Hot Sewer
  6. po'd, from 1995, made for the 3do and ported to the playstation. it's wild and unpleasant on the whole. its just gross looking and gross feeling. i did not find it fun but it does fascinate me as for something i actually have fun with, i like kileak: the dna imperative. its gameplay isn't much of a step beyond catacomb 3d or wolf3d. you are supposedly a very large robot but it never feels as if you are. nothing to go too crazy over.
  7. slough of despair and downtown are just bonkers. hectic in doom 64. fuck hectic. it's beautiful
  8. dont mind me im just gonna go die real quick slow
  9. just played on uv in zdoom 2.8.1, seemed to work fine over there but can't be totally certain. very fun! i enjoyed the library and the crater/sinkhole the most. i didnt get 100% secrets but i wasnt trying to, i will revisit and try to find them all again at some point in the next few days. texture alignment and transitions get a bit jarring here and there, and some lines have missing textures or aren't set to lower unpegged alongside the doors. it was a joy to play, a good urban/representative environment!
  10. cant wait for the opportunity to buy HNW cassettes through the fortnite megagames store. making his engine free to use to a point for most has probably limited sweeny's supply of burger king, so something had to be done about the matter.
  11. been primarily but absolutely not exclusively using chocolate doom since 2008. these days its usually choco/crispy, woof or eternity engine. always autoaim. no mouselook, only mouseturn, sometimes keyboard only. 35 fps. doom at 60fps or greater is one of the 2 games that has ever made made me motion sick. never more than 640*4x0 if at all possible. if i'm playing something in an enhanced port that requires use of an engine side jump or crouch function, i will go and bind it in order to use it. i cannot get upset in the slightest about gameplay mods as nobody is forcing me play them, and when i do, i am fully aware of what i may be getting into. sometimes i may be curious but as a player i tend to gravitate to partial or total conversions with its own maps designed with the modifications in mind, rather than just replacing weapons and things and going through the id maps. on a side note, for what may require it, and remains compatible with its final release, i have always preferred zdoom to gzdoom. even with gzdoom's relatively recent software rendering options, it does not seem to feel right, and is the only instance i have ever seen doom in either a hardware or software renderer drop fps on the id maps on any computer built since like 2000. i always go for an opl3 emulation. them carrier waves bring nice gurgles to my ears, and i will never get enough of them. if something includes its own music in a different format, i'll listen. with this considered i would say probably a 7 or 8. if i see someone jump on a map that was not designed with that in mind i will get slightly miffed, and if they're playing in front of me and doing that, i cannot remain silent on the matter.
  12. a pair of omron switches if i remember correctly. one of them has started double clicking every once in a while after 2 years but those huanos were triple and quadra clicking on both buttons by the time i ended up replacing them. the switches in the old optical microsoft intellimouse/wheel mice that i used to prefer would last much longer. i'd honestly still be using an intellimouse optical if it weren't for anti-cheat programs disliking hidusbf or whatever i was using to force the polling rate to 1000hz.
  13. mouse: zowie za11, on its 2nd set of microswitches. mousepad: grody old steelseries qck heavy monitor: benq RL2455, with one single dead pixel keyboard: wasd keyboards v2, tenkeyless with cherry mx clear switches headphones: sony mdr7506 or akg k240 studio, depends on how i'm feeling but prefer the sony cans usually about 75% of the time i'll use a mouse for doom but if i'm on my thinkpad, it's keyboard only full time for me >:3c. keyboard only hits different
  14. howdy, been playing doom for like 17 years, lurking here every once in a while for about as long as that. i like to work with sounds and partition binary space for personal enjoyment and fulfillment. i am familiar with the tools but i am far from adept with them, i may become adept sooner than i might imagine if i persist. last year i mostly dedicated myself to becoming familiar with trenchbroom as i was revisiting quake and other fully 3d first person games constructed with brushes but i feel i might have an easier time finishing a virtual space if comprised of linedefs and sectors. i will likely continue to play doom in any of its forms. it's not the only thing i do with my life, but doom is certainly not going to leave it anytime soon, if at all. i may have made an account or 2 here at some point in the past, all the credentials have long been forgotten if that is the case.
  15. i was first exposed to first person games through halo and half-life, but i kept hearing and reading about this fabled "doom", not really knowing much about it other than "you explode demons". at one point, i remember trying to download many dubious "doom.exe" files off of limewire, and i still wonder what those executables did to that poor installation of windows xp to this day. i dont remember seeing any retail releases out on the shelves, and steam was limited to just valve's games at that time. i eventually found the doom 1 shareware and a copy of the GBA port of doom 2. it wasn't until i had an xbox and a copy of the doom 3 collector's edition with those ports of the first 2 that i had a chance to play the dooms. ultimate quake was on shelves though, and i think i played through quake 1 before i had a chance to play all of doom 1 and 2 on the pc. eventually a neighbor's stepdad or something like that let me borrow their doom 2 floppies to install, and from that point my subconscious had been permanently altered.
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