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Everything posted by heliumlamb

  1. a boomer shooter is a shooter from when boomers were young, coincides with the first 3 home console generations, ie: space invaders, xevious, galaga, river raid, centipede, asteroids, spacewar, gradius, zanac, bosconian, gaplus and their ilk
  2. the present of infighting moeblobs is fine too i guess
  3. outrun 2 special tours (included in 2006 c2c) is good as arcade racing will probably ever get. feels perfect no matter the hardware, even feels as it should on the psp running at anywhere between 10-30 fps. it is worth playing at least 2 credits worth on any of its ports. here is a patch for the that adds improves controller support, among other fixes for the windows version, because i implore any interested beings to experience it. the xbox release of vanilla OR2 also works on the 360, which does not have the slipstream mechanic, but featured unlockable courses from a few AM2 model 3 racers that never got home ports. playing the outrun 2 course in sp/c2c is not quite the same experience, slipstream kind of feels op in that course, but it seems like the time restrictions have been tightened in outrun 2 sp to compensate for the steady supply of ways to increase speed. every single thing that sega am2 learned from every single arcade racing game they've made up to that point (about 15, including shenmue forklift) is delivered with both elegantly and efficiently in bursts of no more than 6 minutes. play it any way you can. and related: the 360 and ps3 got a better-than perfect port of daytona usa, AM2's second best racing game. i think you can still purchase it through the xbox 360 version of the michaelsoft store, either thru browser or thru the console itself. there was a shutoku battle game on the console, kind of a stat-tweaking, customization and progression-heavy but still arcadey racing game where you do laps around tokyo's C1 and surrounding highways, coming across various drivers as you make the rounds to take for a little brief race. a real, dangerous thing people sometimes do. it was released in eu/na as "Import Tuner Challenge" which makes no sense, because relative to the region the game itself takes place in, those just-off-brand-enough vehicles are for the most part, not imports. (believe me it's not as bad as atlus taking cave's togue MAX, a highway pass racing game, and changing the cover art to a literal chevrolet s10 pickup truck) it's kind of grindy but have a simple, fun and safe way to loop the C1 Ridge Racer 6 is one i have yet to play, but if it's anything like the psp ridge racers with the added boost mechanic, it is just good fun. Cannot Support NeGcon it has been a long time but Burnout Paradise got fairly boring for me at some point, and that's about all i remember of it. it is harsh, but it is how i feel. i would rather play burnout 2. paradise just felt like burnout 3 (a phenomenal game+have not played revenge) added an open world that was glued on with coconut oil. it impressed me at first with its scale but it fell off super fast.
  4. Let's Rate The Doom Games As If They Were "Taco Bell" Menu Items: 1: Doom 64 Spicy Potato Soft Taco 2: Doom (1993) Fiesta Veggie Burrito 3: Doom II: H*ll on Earth Zero Sugar Mountain Dew Baja Blast 4: Doom (2016) Black Bean Cheesy Gordita Crunch 5: Doom 3 Cheesy Bean & Rice Burrito 6: Doom Eternal DoritosĀ® Locos Taco 7: Brutal Doom Hot-N-Ready pizza with a side of Crazy Bread
  5. ive been going buck wild on golf games recently, playing all the portable hot shots/everybody's golf games on my vita since getting it earlier this week, with some of the ps1 port of the first wizardry trilogy in between
  6. the throughline from virtua racing & daytona usa to yakuza makes sense when your mentor's throughline went from outrun & hang-on to shenmue. edit: i should add one as well yar's revenge and e.t.: the extra-terrestrial for the atari video computer system, the latter of which is far from being the worst game on the console, as many claim.
  7. boyfriEND - end
    girlfriEND - end
    best friEND - end
    Tetris The Absolute The Grand Master 2 PLUS - no end

    Only Tetris The Absolute The Grand Master 2 PLUS Have No End

    1. Jack9955



      Tetris The AbsolutE The GraND Master 2 PLUS - has end

    2. heliumlamb


      e the grand =/= end

  8. Excellent News!!


    1. OliveTree


      wow, they finally got elden ring running on the steam deck

  9. shouts out to the Mackie Designs CR1604
  10. the whole going full multiplayerbrained thing bungie did around 2014ish is in full force but you KNOW those hidden .txt files strewn about game files are gonna slap
  11. 2d platforming peaked with dynamite headdy and daimakaimura. rocket knight adventures and kick master as well. maybe some panic restaurant too for good measure. the jumping man is alright by default, generally good, and phenomenal in comparison to alex kidd, which is a far more direct and appropriate comparison. sonic from 2 and on uses momentum, trajectory and layered design in a way that was only matched by freedom planet in 2014. i am on the autism spectrum, so that should explain my emotions toward the needle mouse and all the needle mouse's friends and adversaries, and that includes sonic '06.
  12. you walk forward 10 units and it triggers a perpetual slow crusher on tag 0. that's it, the whole map.
  13. assembling virtual space with relative ease
  14. Of Course, I Exactly Said That It's KDE's Fault That Google's Behavior Is What It Is From My Computer Running Plasma 5.27 Of My Own Volition
  15. oh! 10 now?? revision time (also less keef in the interest of a more comprehensive [but no less earnest] list): no order Chief Keef - Back From The Dead 2 Dopplereffekt - Gesamtkunstwerk Carcass - Reek of Putrefaction Burning Witch - Crippled Lucifer Autechre - Amber Jeromes Dream - Seeing Means More Than Safety Portraits of Past - 10101010101010101010101010101 Drexciya - Neptune's Lair DJ Rashad - Just a Taste Alec Empire - The Destroyer combatwoundedveteran - I Know A Girl Who Develops Crime Scene Photos 5 bonus extended plays Mohinder - Mohinder (aka The Mission, gravity number thirteen) Devo - B Stiff Burial - Kindred Panasonic - Osato Sodom - In the Sign of Evil 5 bonus singles: Horsepower Productions - Giving Up On Love / One u Need Equinox - Acid Rain B.W.H. - Stop / Livin' Up Pure & Liza 'n Eliaz - Killer Bees On Acid / Tube Travel Cheif Keef - Save Me
  16. you want to know how so? what is a fork if not a consequence? foul roots are still roots no matter the appearance of that which has grown from them
  17. khtml and its konsequences have been a disaster for personal computing devices, regardless of physical size, interface and architectures. if apple based safari on gecko rather than khtml we would be able to play cs 1.6 on powermac g3s in 2030. but here we are, soon to be unable to play cs 1.6 on Windows New Technology 6 and earlier. surely there must be a way to keep the Counter Striking separate from candy crush spyware. ay, proton's wonderful though. not perfect, but such is life.
  18. Chief Keef - Back From The Dead 2 Chief Keef - Almighty So Chief Keef - Bang, Part Two Cheif Keef - Back From The Dead Carcass - Reek Of Putrefaction
  19. i mostly have paperbacks by virtue of it being what i've been able to find most often, secondhand. save for like.... 70's electrical engineering textbooks (really glad to have scooped one of those that's the "Ugh.... Fine, We're Using Metric Now." revision). if i'm reading a thicc hardback for hours at a time, i generally just put it down on a surface and flip the page when i need to. i've got some slight dyslexia and untreated/self-medicated adhd, which makes reading a bit grueling (less fun) for me tho. i often have to go over the same 1-3 paragraphs like 3 times because my eyes go will along the text, but none of the words will register as words, despite all of my focus placed exclusively on those words on the page. thick paperbacks definitely suck to hold towards the beginning and the end, but like, it's fine once you get toward the middle as far as books are concerned, the composition of the printed/conveyed material, is far more paramount than its physical composition. if it's what i'm looking to put into my brain the only hard no for me is an outright misprint/mispublication. a book is a book no matter how it's delivered.
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