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Everything posted by heliumlamb

  1. the popular misconception of dubstep being exclusively the maximalist, abrasive, headache inducing wobbly stuff happened only a few years after coki's spongebob (and the tracks [i am not allowed to say "tune" for i am no brit] inspired by it) made its way here across the atlantic. but the vibe started to get thrown off as what was being called dubstep grew further and further removed from its origin - 2-step garridge with a heavy dub influence in both sound and ethos. afaik coki and vex'd were the progenitors of that abrasive strain of dubstep, yet their more abrasive tracks still have that dub vibe, a space in the sound. something similar, perhaps not quite on the same scale, happened with drum and bass, around 1998. mostly with the similarly maximalist, similarly abrasive "jump up" sound (clownstep), in addition to many folks biting ed rush & optical's wormhole en masse.
  2. hair-splitting/wholly-taste-dependent perceived design flaws aside, it's certainly a computer program that allows me to virtually decimate humanoids who have taken it upon themselves to hide their faces under pointed hoods, once the sun goes down of course. yeehaw motherfuckers
  3. (trimming down the earnest shitpost about peppers from last thread to two sentences rather than like 4 paragraphs) when people cook for themselves, they generally cook their meals to their own tastes. what's the point in cooking something for yourself, if it's something you're not going to eat? oh trust me, tetris is fun. especially if you can last more than 60 seconds in 20g, even more fun when the lock delay steadily decreases to down to 4 frames.
  4. i ban the person authoring this very post for being stupid as h*ll and having non-negotiable air raid sirens going off in her head each and every instance the typographic symbols known as the "colon", "circumflex" and "closing parenthesis" are used sequentially in succession. i will prepare for its disastrous consequences
  5. xxth century humor is either subject to recipient's taste or subject to recipient's taste
  6. set up naomi emulation with flycast, so it's occasionally been monkey ball time, keep getting filtered by AD-15 and daytona usa again, after seeing that model 2 emu works perfectly with wine - maybe i'll hit the finish line of seaside street galaxy sometime this year lol
  7. what about gameplay mods that change all hitscans, both player and enemy, to projectiles? that's what comes to my mind first re: arcane dimensions, above all else, even ad_sepulcher.
  8. oh?? it better stay 100% byoc going forward.
  9. freebase argent energy is what comes out of the rocket launcher
  10. not being able to get at least 3 other people together regularly, each of whom i will have to explain THAC0 to at least multiple times a session uhhhh, needing some graph paper, a pencil and eraser on hand at all times in order to not get lost, only to completely lose your party by the second floor. that's wizardry babey!! king's field barely counts as an RPG, i certainly don't consider it one most of the time but i will for this thread. the weakest aspect of king's field, in all but the 4th one, is how you start to feel a bit too powerful toward the end of them. starts out tense and oppressive not unlike a survival horror, ends up feeling more like a "walking simulator" toward the end. but i dont mind wandering through, bleak, barren labryinths composed of maybe 2 textures for hours on end.
  11. do you mean the vulcan cannons on the head? the only rx-78/gundam suit i've put together so far has been an MG. if it's a smaller abs part like the vulcan cannons, or it looks like it's going to be a more fragile/brittle part, as the translucent plastic tends to be, i try to snip a little bit away from the part, and then either do another snip closer to the part, or shave away at the nubs with a knife. 2 snips are safer than just one that's too close, close enough to damage.
  12. whenever you're comfortable really, i'd say once you get used to the way they do instructions and general flow of things. i put my first MG together after about 5 HGs, immediately after doing 3 back-to-back. haven't tried a RG yet, so i can't speak for those.
  13. my tip with the stickers is to place it a little bit on the tip of the xacto/hobby knife's blade, and use the flat part of the blade to try and align it where you need to without sticking it to the model. then, once you have it ready to stick, press down on the sticker, then take the knife out from under it once you're sure it's aligned as you want. if it's stuck down with the knife still under it, you can use the knife as leverage to (slowly and gently) pull it back off the plastic without damaging the sticker, then try again. please note that you can only reapply the stickers so many times before the adhesive gives way, i've never had to reapply a sticker more than once, but ymmv. also, some of the zeon suit kits have a mono-eye that can be turned, but others are a one-and-done sticker placement, you'll know when you get either. unless you're painting them, you do not need to use glue at all. but if you do end up using a glue for any reason, use a superglue, DO NOT USE A PLASTIC CEMENT!! gunpla absolutely rules IMO because it's paint-free, snap-together, aside from the earliest kits from the 80's or so, but i didn't quite understand that on my first kit, just me overthinking things as usual. i ended up being a fool on my first kit, using plastic cement to glue it all together as i had experience with other kits that required it. i returned a day later to find out that bubbles were forming all over it from the plastic cement spending days just constantly reacting with the plastic bandai uses. do not use plastic cement with gunpla, or most of these snap-together plastic models for that matter. i've got an HG AMX-004, and MG Deathscythe in the backlog, but i'm looking to try other methods of lining the panels before i get to it. once i started lining the panels, i just can't bring myself to throw one together without doing so. it's subtle but in all the best ways, and can make an HG look like it's made from more parts than it is. i used to use a fine-tip pen (sakura microns), but it thrashes the nib super quick. slightly thinned laquer paint supposedly just runs neatly down the lines if you just touch it with a brush, but i wonder if plain old ink could do the same. apparently some folks also use .03 mm mechanical pencils, as they also sell gundam-branded mechanical pencils?? they really are the best anime figures of all time, unsurpassed.
  14. freelook is For Hardcore Movement Shooters, like killer7
  15. when i finally got to play episode 2 on the xbox, made it to e2m2 and got crushed by a ceiling for the very first time... i had made it thru e1 in doomsday and doom95 dozens of times at that point (dosbox, back then, on that machine would give me like 5fps in doom), often with 00's buttrock radio going off. but e1, as refined as it is, never struck a chord with me in the same way as the first time playing most of of the hall/sandy maps, even when hall/sandy were at their least devious. i didn't really get to appreciate doom 2 in the same way until years later, as i played it for the first time in zdoom with iddqd, idkfa and jumping
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