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Everything posted by heliumlamb

  1. as much as i love the dreamcast (i got mine going into 2012, which was the first time i had ever seen one in person.), the playstation 2 had the best library, not just in quantity, likely due to its install base from being the least expensive DVD player for quite some time. capcom, konami, squaresoft and from software all had their best output, period, on the PS2. i had a gamecube, later an xbox during then. i think it's fair to say that the 6th console generation was the last console generation where each system was fairly distinct from one another, super evident from looking at the difference in performance and/or fidelity on any multiplatform title, especially later on with ones released on all 3
  2. support for 120v electric kettles for Cofe Time For In Game Dooming
  3. one year into a detrimental addiction to FLOOR7_2; DEM1_6

  4. what's the move for editing deh/bex on linux? whacked 4 under some sort of virtualization??
  5. i need to brush my teeth
  6. Top Five Virtual Cigarettes As Found In The Computer Games: 1: Vanquish: Highly functional and, at times, necessary 2: Deus Ex: The only function is to damage, just like real life! 3: Metal Gear Solid: Damaging as with real life, with the rare functions 4: Shenmue: The Unlit One That Sticks To The Bottom Of An Elderly Man's Index Finger, even in the rain 5: Counter-Strike (series): All the ones that i dropped on the carpet mid-game, resulting in a round loss for the team (edit note: nicotine is the only drug i ever truly regret trying. tobacco is physically a poison leaf, and that's before taking combustion and/or added chemicals into consideration. awful)
  7. in boom format: right now it is less of a "how do i?" and more of a "could i?" re: ambient, looping sound is it at all possible, thru deh/bex, to make a motionless "sound thing" that can also teleport (with conveyor assistance ofc)? i would like to make a sound cue to help indicate progression, where the looping sound is audible in the environment after that objective is fulfilled, but not before. it seems like having the thing teleport to the desired destination could be a possible way to go about that, but i might also be far off.
  8. i would first like to allude to two neighboring sector-based fps games from the same time period, albeit ones with a slightly different structure: marathon 2 and infinity. they have maps made of sectors too, with many "unnecessary" areas worth a player's exploration, they also have secrets! absolutely none of those secrets are accounted for, and most are hardly telegraphed in the same sense as most doom players are accustomed to. there are parts of many of those maps that could be considered secret, yet without any "reward", unless you consider filling out the automap to the best of your ability its own reward. other secrets in the later 2 marathons, may yield extra supplies, or terminals. in marathon 2 you can get one WSTE-M5 a few maps early, but you could also miss it entirely and still play the video game. the secrets in marathon 2 and infinity do not yield, and do not need to yield any numbers going brrrr at the level transitions. a player could not be aware, or even need to be aware of any secret, or if any area they stumbled across was indeed a secret, and still finish the video's game. likewise, unreal, another singleplayer first person shooter has plenty of secrets, either items or things to receive on the universal translator, all without telling you if it or isn't a secret (if my memory isn't failing me) while not fps games, in king's field (1, 3 and 4) and armored core, you can easily and blissfully go through the entire game without ever being made aware of the existence of the triple fang and karasawa, respectively. if you consider not acquiring either of those hidden items a form of "punishment" by the designers, it's 100% not the game's fault for having an item hidden. for a different vibe, many arcade games (in arcades or inspired by arcades) will have secrets found through observing skilled players player experimentation, trial and error, that in many cases could be considered mandatory for getting the most out of your credit (ie: garegga's flamingos). and it's not like merely notifying a player of a secret is a bad thing on principle. (doom again, but the idea of a "secret" with regard to video games has a broad application) i prefer to look at the Immersive Simulation Of Some Cute Demon Friends Exploding as an exploratory zone foremost, but never exclusively. ideally doom sits somewhere between a dungeon crawler and arcadey game, either through astute balance or wavering crescendo. because of this, the implementation of the "secret" and its many degrees of obfuscation is highly variable. a perfectly aligned hidden door is no less valid of a secret than a timed switch/trigger puzzle, platforming finesse, the expected "huh this wall lookin a lil weird.." etc. sector tag status notwithstanding. however i feel when coming across any of these is what cements its status as a secret. ultimately, whatever is presented to a player is fine, because the player is not in charge of design. a player may like it, a player may not like it. Preferences. as a designer, make the map. tag some secrets, tag all secrets, tag none secret. it's a video game. when i play video games, i set a very strict, heavily intertwined set of restrictions that i, as a player, must never once deviate from: if i'm enjoying it, i will play it. if i'm no longer enjoying it, i will not play it, or (most often at a later time) ruminate on whether or not i should or should continue to play it. in most aspects of my life, i've accepted that i'm fine with late-stage neo-FOMO: the freedom of missing out. i'll prefer the regret of unawareness, over the regret of misguided compulsion almost unanimously. of course, each approach may have consequence, positive and/or negative.
  9. a true maestro, along with yukihiro takahashi, another member of ymo, who we lost earlier this year. they will live on for hundreds of years - not just through their own work, but through all of those they have inspired, and will continue to inspire. that's immortality.
  10. how many of us are willing go the extra mile (full sicko, king's field mode) and respectfully refuse to telegraph them as well!
  11. "whadda's that say? batlord?? hehe" -my dad (yes, this happened)
  12. best: ones you can play! worst: ones that cannot function in any variant of id tech 1
  13. Chillwave/Lofi/Ambient Playlist: Study, Relaxation, Meditation
  14. some, but not all. some are just verbatim stock sounds, other stuff like the axe hit for sure is a processed sample. in the axe hit's case it's a processed; layered/distorted sample from the korg m1. and then there's the various vocalizations (enforcer's "you there", "stop" - wizard's "no", shalrath's "rrrhehehe", quakeguy's "hruh" and "woo", etc) which i'm certain are not sourced from a royalty-free sound library. from my experience... uh... Perusing the dubiously obtained 2003 leak of hl2 and tf2, as well as vtm: bloodlines, the pre-november '04 builds of source all feel strikingly similar to goldsrc, particularly in the way lighting was being baked and the use of early steam's boxy, sometimes green, menu interface, still present in the steam versions of the goldsrc games. source is definitely built upon goldsrc, but modular to a kludgy extent.
  15. r_picmip 420, it What The Pro's Uses
  16. When I (Mildly, Voluntarily) Poison Myself And Play The Video's Game And The Telled Vision Goes [failure state] From My Own Fault And Inputs I Accept It And Continue With My Day, Then Continue With My Life. eventually I will (Mildly, Voluntarily) Poison Myself And Play The Video's Game And The Telled Vision Goes [failure state] From My Own Fault And Inputs I Accept It And Continue With My Day, Then Continue With My Life, again.
  17. geriatric power-ghouls are seething at the fact that the entities shoveling money into their pockets are losing their monopoly on data hoarding and mass surveillance that they used to have. So Much Fun! (if my NSA agent is reading this, hiiiiiii <3)
  18. i will not rest easily until i can purchase a version of the most accurate immersive simulation of being a line cook with psychosis, PO'ed (developed by Any Channel, released in 1995) compatible with modern machines, online, at the retail store, at the retail store online. was published by the company last known as Infogrames North America. perhaps the rights exist somewhere deep within the recesses of Infogrames Atari SA. i will be waiting
  19. The Real Hardcore Gamer's In The Euro Truck Simulator 2 Community Understand That Real Hardcore Gaming Is Improved Greatly By Voluntary Celibacy
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