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About Poxel12

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  1. Holy cow on a skateboard park, it's one of my favourite mods that has a dragon with a PowerSuit and an STG-44! Weird seeing you here on doomworld instead of zdoom forums, what in tarnation happend?
  2. Quick fix for Castle of Love: -Fixed Misaligned Texture for Bookshelf Castle Of Love 1.76.zip
  3. Who in the name of an elditch god, an angel of death and Mark is Stacey Dooley? And before someone tells me to google her, i know, but i am a lazy bean so i wont.
  4. damn, did not know that it was. Should be fixed now.
  5. Map Name: Castle Of Love Author: Poxel12 Music: Ampersand by James Paddock Sky preference: Blue Format: Doom 2: Doom Format Difficulty Settings: All of 'em Build Time: 58 Minutes And 7 Seconds Valentine: Me :D Comments: This is the first map i added co-op and Deathmatch, and i think i balanced it well. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3sM30Pp
  6. Well, i gotta thank few people, such as: @Jimmy, because if not for his video called "ANYONE can make a DOOM map." i wouldn't even start doom mapping, @MtPain27, because if not for him i wouldn't learn on some amazing mappack and megawads, such as Auger Zenith, Scythe X, Lost Civilization etc., Decino, because of his amazing videos about the inner workings of doom, and last, but not least, many of the people who played my wads, because without you, i wouldn't even think on still making maps for doom so from the deepest depths of my heart, Thank you very, very much! let's hope 2023 will be better than this year, and the year i finally finish my mappack (i hope)!
  7. Did he figure out what the password meant?
  8. Holy Manshark from the baltic sea made out of mayo, jeans, beans and all E.T. on Amiga 2600 fighting Rhinoman with a laser gun shooting a peanut with a gun on a cob on a stick on a fan on a imp, it's beautiful.
  9. Simple, but it needs to be more ś, ć, ż, ą or maybe ź.
  10. Well, it seems Wales somehow created better passwords than Poland.
  11. True, but let's be honest, they would probably give up with guessing the password after the 5th try.
  12. They would probably guess it would be this by the 6th try, maybe 7th.
  13. Holy hole on a vatican castle with a 2 meter ping pong table, that is smart.
  14. We are searching for a password with polishness, not englishness.
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