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Everything posted by Barky

  1. But do you appreciate all the coding work that has been done?
  2. Like with condencing tone you've yourself displayed? If you don't want him to use your software and assist him then tell him to get lost, no need to dance around it with these phony theatrics. Don't you think?
  3. Please, correct me if I'm dead wrong, as there is no specific list of people and I can't find anyone applicable for a jury around here. Not a single topic or article in sight concerning musings and discourse of what makes a doom wad good, no initiative. "How to work around Doom limits", "Collection of tips on texture editing", "This if my favorite WAD and what we can learn from it", "Intricacies of game design, how to convey your idea to the player", "List of things i wish to hear from playtesters", "Future that advanced engines bring us". I consider that some kind of clarity on this award judging process will help to be more in touch with the community.
  4. Peculiar wording but okay, poor single line makes you question the whole credibility of these awards. For starters, just how many doom addicts are out there in the jury? Can someone name them? I can't imagine anyone discuss and argue, weighting down doom wads piece by piece — moreso in terms of team. Anyway, I'll mention 10x10 by LunchLunch just for publicity sake.
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