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About Davidiwz

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    YOU WARNED ME!?! That's it, Im leaving. just delete my Account.
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  1. I will return to this in March 31 Don't worry. Tell me I didn't did it wrong ;(
  2. Heya all... Im very sorry I Couldn't Publish The Kid from IWBTG To Doom for Today! T_T As you can see, I couldn't deal with the Max total size for each file to be uploaded, so I Ended up packing my stuff and leave to find a new doom site to publish my Stuffs. If you wanna find me, You can try Find me on gamejolt, or on Reddit, or on Discord. If I Ever wanted to find a good place. i hope it was nice to meet ya all and chilling. Thank you all. Imma go, and never return. Goodbye... Im leaving Doomworld. T_T
  3. Today, I finished The Kid from I wanna Be The Guy in 1 or 2 Days. So i Finished remaking his gun sprite. And this seems fine for now. Can't wait to Release The Kid from IWBTG everyone!

  4. I think I found an other option it should help me. Let's say: The kid's HP Will be on 100 but when he gets hit by anything, he dies. so how about this?also, how do you make this to work instead of getting an error? Edit: Nevermind, I solved that issue. All I did was to add A_Die which makes him to die when getting hit. Btw. All solved! I can finally Release The Kid soon! I can't wait! (Until i'll finish to remake his gun sprite) thank you!
  5. ...nah, that doesn't work. I dont want my class to just have some items that replacing the original power ups and items of doom with. i just want my class to stay on 1 Hp without getting his HP increased Edit: Have an example for Vegeta, his HP is on 400, so here is how it should look like
  6. Thanks for helping me to solve this. I had 1 issue left: Now how I make The Kid to Stay on 1 HP instead of getting his HP Increased by picking Blue or mega sphere?
  7. I already finished to fix his face issue. Just gived him the Winking face when gritting. So Now How can I make the shot move to far away for ending up hitting a wall?
  8. Heya, im currently Working on The Kid from "I Wanna be the Guy" but I bet that The gameplay is fine. just finished him 1 day (or 2 Days) and there are 3 Issuses i had to ask to solve this. First, the First issue Im getting is that when I hold the fire or Altfire, his face disappears. Second, His Shot doesn't move far away like most characters does. And last, When I get the Blue or Mega sphere, his HP Increased without staying on 1 HP (Like how he does in the game) Can ya help me with this?
  9. Welp sorry when i wasn't active this day. I was in shabbos so now it is accessable. Tell me I didn't do it wrong :I
  10. Well Sorry about the Trailer and Demonstration, they can't be published here. you can watch them on Google Drive.
  11. After 14 Days of Work. The Gnome meme has arrived to Doom 2! Play as The Gnome and Gnome your Monsters with this class Download Mirrors: Google Drive My Website Gnome.rar
  12. Oh that's a good one thanks. Also i hate making mistakes. I'll do it once i'll get Doom world editor. Maybe i will work on the 5WoH Levels. But the sprites for the bosses won't be Like doom. I'll sprite the bosses in my own custom spdite style (not doom)
  13. Well. Maybe I did wrong. Sorry for posting that. -_-
  14. Hey guys. Is it okay if i'll request here? If no, then move it to the section please :I Anyways, I ever came to think if there was many maps with a hub to select which map where you going to make? I wanted to see a Mapset called: "5 Warriors of Hell" It's a Mapset where Doomguy goes to one of the 5 Locations to make his way through the monsters he come across, avoiding traps and Pits, once he will make it to one of the 5 Warriors of Hell, he needs to take them down. (I took this Idea from PvZ: Journey to the West, where it has the Land Demon stages which each of them has 8 Levels) The Bosses that I shall want to see: Warrior of Hell 1: The Chimera Description: The Chimera appears as a Monster like sphinx with 4 Heads of a Baron of hell, Demon, Cacodemon & Mancubus, this Warrior of Hell takes place as the Boss of the Storming Egypt World. It only has 4 attacks which he's Bitting (Demon head), Spitting Green Fireball (B.O.H Head), Spitting Red Fireball (Cacodemon Head) and charging up a huge Flame ball (Mancubus Head). Warrior of Hell 2: Horse Rider Description: Horse Rider is a Dark Sheriff disguised Revenant who Rides a Skeleton Horse through the forest. This Warrior of Hell Takes place as the Boss of the Forest of Hell World. His Horse attacks by Charging and doing Flame Bite when close. When it's Horse is down, the Rider will attack using a Fireball Gun and of course will Punch Doomguy when he's Close to him. Warrior of Hell 3: The Aliens Saucer Description: The Aliens Saucer is a Big Saucer (Just like the saucer boss from Terraria) and has 3 Aliens which are using. This Warrior of Hell Takes Place as the Boss of the Destroyed Battle Spaceship World. The Saucer Attacks by Shooting Lasers, Summons Alien themed Monsters and smashing itself on Doomguy when Below. Once The Saucer is Destroyed, The 3 Aliens will only use thier Alien gun to Attack, and will infect Doomguy when thier close. Warrior of Hell 4: Little Jester Description: Little Jester appears as a Small Dimentio and Jevil Themed coloured Jester who makes fun and plays with all Marines but never lost to any of them in a Card game he killed them all. This Warrior of Hell Takes Place of the Jester's Castle World. Little Jester Attacks by tossing Deck of Cards (A Weapon from Spaghetti Weapons) and Using a Scythe when close Warrior of Hell 5: Lord Demon Description: Lord Demon appears a A Normal Demon who has look diffrent then Cyberdemon but without the Cyber body. He wears King clothes. This Warrior of Hell Takes place of The Demon Keep World. He only has 5 Attacks: Punching when Close, Tossing Big Fireballs, Charging, doing a Smash Attack. And does fire breath on last phase So that's What I wanted to see soon. Will ya make this happen as a real mapset so i can try that myself? I would be happy to see if this is happening. Thanks!
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