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About Technicolor

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  1. Anbody accepths this deathmatch with me? My rule is, you will play with keyboard only.
  2. I can deathmatch with anybody if they promise me they won't use mouse because I won't use mouse. I will play keyboard only.
  3. You promise you dont use mouse? I dont like mouse myself.
  4. I think you know you can't beat me in doom by palying doom with keyboard only. I am a very good keyboard player of doom.
  5. Can anybody have deathmatch with me in doom in vanilla way without using mouse? Can anobody do that without using mouse.
  6. I am from 90s, who doesnt use mouse. Why do you call me troll for that?
  7. Doom death match is suppoed to happen without mouse. If someone does think he can beat me without mouse. Let's have death match Those people should promise not to use mouse. Because I don't like mouse.
  8. If you promise you will never use mouse, I accept a death match with you. It can be both Doom and Quake.
  9. Can you make a deathmatch with keyboard only playing Quake? Can you do that?
  10. You can't admit that someone who doesnt use mouse can play doom better than you.
  11. I think you must admit the fact how good keyboarders can play classic fps games including Quake.
  12. I finished Quake 1 with keyboard only on Nightmare difficulty.
  13. If you never played Quake 1 with keyboard only, You don't know that.
  14. To notice engine smilarities between Doom and Quake, you should try keyboard only.
  15. If you never played Quake 1 with keyboard only, You can't know that
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