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Nathan Liddell

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About Nathan Liddell

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    Insane kid
    Warming Up

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  1. rendered from blender so how do you like that?
  2. honestly i think what they are some kind of enemies and archvile remind me demon from anime called berserk
  3. Ok I just have 3 programs for quake 3 engine mapping and I have s American mcgee Alice copy so tell me please what mapping I should use to make Alice maps Netradiant Trenchbroom Jack hammer editor
  4. Oh k remember this game I play with my bro on emulator
  5. Who remember American Mcgee Alice I beat her mouth ago and I want hear your opinion and share my nostalgia about this game
  6. Map format: udmf Iwad: doom 2 and freedoom phase 2 Why it's on gzdoom: because it have mouse look and jumping Map set: doom 2
  7. I am here to promote my upcoming wad Story: you are walking in hell after doom 64 and found the mysterious hell castle and you are entered in this castle and after walking on the Hall and kicking demon butts you are enter in the strange elevator now you are in the room with the statute. Find the amulet and defeat heat of hell Gameplay: this is gzdoom wad soo This wad not launch on zandronum and boom or chocolate doom, this is mixture of quake, corridors and level select. American McGee Alice platforming and trippiness and doom. Music: it's from McGee and madness returns So how you like this?
  8. "You've used me and abused me, but you will not destroy me!" Alice Liddell
  9. Need wad because I love psx doom and I want to play and check this wad
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