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About JacaCaca

  • Rank
    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Interstellar Boarding Party, Voyage I (Edit) - James Paddock, A Space level where you board a stolen cruiser and take it back from it's demonic occupants (With extreme prejudice), Doomium 28.zip
  2. Almost done with mine, just need a few more details and balancing then it's ready to ship.
  3. What do you mean? my map was submitted back in November
  4. nah deadass it was his, I nagged him to make one and he finally did lol
  5. Map Name: Silent Submergence Map Slot: 20 Author: JacaCaca MIDI: Racharacharach - Ribbiks (Edited by Insane_Gazebo and James Paddock Coop/Difficulties: no Comments: Kill. Map 20.zip
  6. Everything should be finally fixed. - Sector 431 might have just been jammed by monsters. - The accidental lift is gone. - Red door room and textures are fixed. - Barons teleporters are now repeatable. - The X's were originally chains but had to be removed due to the comp level, and are now fully removed. - Green armor now more convenient. - Teleporter fog at sector 815 moved south. There. Done... Hopefully. DTVAGN.zip
  7. Holy crap Lois I’m finally not “warming up” anymore!!1


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