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LSC Lasico

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About LSC Lasico

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    I’m a part of everything and everything’s alive.
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  1. Amid this small out-of-nowhere argument, I would like to point out that this message is officially the 2000th message in the thread. Very cool milestone imo.
  2. Posting this for a meme


  3. When's the deadline? If it's fairly lenient, then Ill take map26. edit: oh wait, I just learned how to read. Ill take map26, then.
  4. If I understand this correctly, you must use a special lump named "animated" for that. i never used it myself, but here's a link to the doomwiki. Maybe you will find how to do it. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/ANIMATED
  5. Hello! I would like to point out that the waterfall tecture in this wad is not animated. I dunno if it's because of a port (I use nugget doom) or its the fault of this wad, but it is something to consider. in map02 there is also a bug where when you try to get the ssg secret, the secret itself consists of three secret tagged sectors, two of which are unreachable, making this map impossible to 100% secret.
  6. Ye, Im just messing with ya. That small little story you wrote, albeit shoddy and kinda bad, does remind me of those cheesy creepypastas I've read and I find it kinda cute. Although I would recommend working on your language, english is probably not your first language, and all the flubs kinda make it hard to read. Good job for the effort tho. Also, just so you know, doomworld has a reply function, which is the plus image in bottom left corner of each message. Really saves you the trouble when you try to reply to someone's message.
  7. How da fuck did you have gzdoom on your pc 8 years before it was released? Youtube wouldn't be out until 10 years later. Really scary timeloop stuff... very scary story.
  8. @MFG38 I updated my map. Fixed some misalignments and changed some textures. It also contains a modified umapinfo lump that now notifies the player that the map must be beaten in 50 seconds on the automap. Flux2.zip @Arsinikk At one point you said on your stream something like "I wonder why the sky texture in this map shows up so late" when playing it, so I want to explain the intent. I actually planned this sky showing up as a sort of crescendo to the whole map. Notice how with you going up higher, the map becomes brighter, this eventually leads to the player ascending to the highest point in the map where they can clearly see the sky as a reward for completing the map, which is why I went to great lengths to NOT make the central pillar the exit, so the player could have the chance and time to look at the sky from a comfortable vantage point. Kind of like, the player suffered a lot in this map and went all this way, then they kinda look at the sky and slightly smile/chuckle. That was the intent.
  9. @MFG38 Would it be possible to add some sort of disclaimer thing to the intermission screen before my map? (Map41 Flux). I watched @Arsinikk’s stream recording of it and realized that the 50 second exit timer thing is very obscure and hard to figure out. Just adding something like “Caution: this map must be beaten in under 50 seconds” would be nice.
  10. May I ask what exactly does this do and what cool mapping tricks you can pull off with this?
  11. It's 50 seconds, actually, the ceiling takes 20 seconds to lower and prevent you from exiting. So it's 30 seconds ( action 10) + 20 seconds (lowering). also, damn, I wish I was on that stream, love seeing ppl play my maps live.
  12. Oh yeah, while you’re at it, please remove the voodoo doll at the top of the cliff, since it apparently appears regardless of difficulty and they kinda ruins the purpose of the map.
  13. I would also like to point out that the sky texture in my map is missing. you can find it in my submission wad file, but here it is just in case. edit: it appears to be a fuck up of mine, as I’ve apparently forgotten to rename the texture on sky transfer linedefs, fairly easy fix.
  14. Hey man, if it wouldn't be hard, please remove the "monsterless" restriction from my map, I forsook it in the update to remove it's conflict with the "1 monster type" restriction.
  15. Just learned of this cool thing called "Sonic Robo Blast 2", which is a sonic fan game based on the doom engine. I have also learned of a certain program called "zone builder", which is based on gzdoom builder but tuned to create maps for SRB2 instead. So, with all that, I wonder, are there any good and/or popular SRB2 PWADs out there? I just got a sudden urge to try mapping for SRB2 so I wanna have some references by seeing what it's community is up to.
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