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About Maxwellk421

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  1. @Thatonespymain Hey! unfortunately, some things have come up for me, and i haven't really had the time to work on my map- To a point that i am not sure i will be able to make it in by the deadline. So, unfortunately, i will be backing out of the project and opening up my slot. I sincerely apologize if this is a bit short notice, and i look forward to seeing the final product when it comes out!
  2. @Thatonespymain Ayo, count me in- I've got some ideas for an Archie/Chaingunner combo
  3. Alright! V.3 of my map, Bugfixed and finally tested with DSDA! Download here!
  4. @CittyKat112 I was using MBF21, the format specified in the first post- so, it should be fine in DSDA- at least, according to what was said. I'm at work, so I'll have to wait until I get home to try your fix- my problem so far has been that I haven't been able to find the .exe for it. Like, it's got all the files, but nothing to run it- otherwise I'd have already tested it in that. Though, if PRboom runs MBF21, I'll just test it there. [EDIT] So i'm a dumbass. the version i downloaded didn't have the .EXE, i've confirmed that, but i found the version that does, so...Yeah.
  5. Managed to crawl back from my burnout on this project and Updated my map based on feedback! Changes made: -Complete rework of the library -Complete replacement of the hedge maze -Changed the ending to better suit the theme i had in mind -Changed the name to better suit the theme i had in mind -Found a good track Name: Delusion [Previously Devil Magicks] Author: Maxwell Modes: Singleplayer Testing: GZDoom [Still have no idea how DSDA doom works even with the explanation- Would need to see a video of how to use it, i think- Regardless, it's like 4 AM and i ain't figuring it out tonight] Music: Gloomy [Duke Nukem 3d] [Old download link removed]
  6. Sent the screenshots of the map in the discord because i was told there that it was fine- Here's the first iteration of the map itself. Not 100% happy with it, lost a bit of steam in the middle, but i'm gonna give it a bit then come back and tweak some things. For now, though, it's playable, start-to-finish. Name: Devil Magicks Author: Maxwell Modes: Singleplayer Testing: GZDoom [Couldn't figure out how to use DSDA doom, unfortunately] Music: None selected yet Download here
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