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About DamTheGreat

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  1. With the help of a music instructor, I was able to compose a new, better track for my WAD. Here it is: Dreadful Heat It is a dark, ominous and foreboding tune. I previously posted two other tracks, "Interrupted Vacation", which was complete garbage and unsalvageable and "No More Gum", which I cleaned up and rerworked using the guidance of my instructor. Any criticism is appreciated!
  2. I ended up using Dieting Hippo's Palette Studio instead, there was no issue with that.
  3. I posted a thread on the ZDoom forums, but I thought I'd ask here as well, as this problem has completely stopped my workflow and I need help ASAP. I created a monster in Blender and I use DSBR to create my sprites. But there's a problem: the front facing sprite is fine, but in the rotated ones, the limbs get all screwed up. Here's step by step what I did: - created an armature with Rigify presets, put all the bones in the proper positions and all that - generated a rig with this armature, parented it to the mesh, hid the original armature and disabled it in rendering - posed my character, then selected the entire rig with A, clicked the pose menu, under the tab "Animation" clicked "Insert Keyframe" set to "Locastion, Rotation and Scale", did this for every frame Did I do something wrong? Can you guys help me out with that?
  4. It sure is. It was my first attempt without musical theory knowledge, the only thing I knew was one scale.
  5. One thing I find quite entertaining on Youtube is those "Top## Ghosts" list videos. They're quite fun to watch, for me at least. But as for if I ACTUALLY believe in ghosts...not so sure. I think all of these videos have some kind of rational explanation: an undocumented scientific phenomenon, CGI, dust, bugs on lenses, strings or other little mechanical devices for those poltergeist videos... There's always a logical way to explain these things with going into the paranormal. But what are your thoughts? Are ghosts real?
  6. Thanks for the feedback! A lot of what you say is way too technical for me. But what I do get from it: the bass line and the main melody have to form a chord? I guess it was bound for failure, I need to watch many more educational videos on the subject. I showed it to my friend and she said it was comical, so clearly it needs improvement.
  7. For my upcoming map pack, I want some custom music. I posted a thread about this in the Off-Topic forum and in that thread someone posted a tutorial video, so I learned the basics of scales. With that knowledge, I was able to create a piece. It is probably utter garbage, so I want all your criticisms and tips and how to compose something better, something worthy of being put in my map pack. Here it is: My first garbage ( The title is supposed to be "Interrupted Vacation" as it plays in the first level where Doomguy's vacation is interrupted by something) EDIT: Here's another one: No More Gum
  8. Thanks! That video was very helpful! It taught me the basics of scales and immediately my attempts at composing sound much better! Still not very good, but there's a slight improvement!
  9. I think I have this "knack" you speak of, as in my head, I can clearly imagine melodies and rhythms and such, the difficulty lies in transposing those ideas into reality. It's the same with pencil drawing (i did a few doodles): I can clearly imagine something, but the end result of what comes out on the piece of paper is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL like what I initially imagined. I just lack the skill to make my ideas real. I guess the same applies to music.
  10. Sounds like it's a long and arduous process... Oh well, time to invest a lot of time into learning another skill, I guess. I've already started learning 3D modeling to create my custom monsters, so I'll wait a bit before trying to learn something else.
  11. For my upcoming map pack, I want to compose some custom music. The problem: I have absolutely NO knowledge of music theory. I don't know know what scales or chords are, I just fiddle around at random in Mixcraft. I very often do and redo melodies in the hopes that I can make them sound good. I CAN get something that sounds decent, but it's purely at random. So how likely is it that anything I produce will be crap and hated by people?
  12. Thanks for the answer! I design my maps with GZDoom in my mind, so I probably don't need to convert, but it just feels right to do so. Also, while thinking about the issue, I came up with a pretty convoluted solution: open an image of the palette in GIMP and then using the color picker tool on the square I need... Thanks, tendency to overcomplicate things!
  13. For my upcoming map pack, I want custom sprites (monsters, projectiles, etc...). I created a custom fireball in GIMP, then imported it into the WAD with SLADE, but when I wanted to convert the graphic to Doom format, it got all screwed up and looked disgustingly hideous. My guess is that it is because the colors I used don't exist in the Doom palette. Therefore I'm wondering if there is a way to "match" the color I'm using in GIMP to the Doom palette. For example, the color of my projectile would be 252 in the Doom palette, how do I make sure the color I use in GIMP is the same? Is there a table of hex values of the Doom colors? I get the impression that I'm rambling nonsense, as I've never delved into this before. One more question: do graphics HAVE to be converted to Doom format?
  14. Thanks for your feedback! I've fixed the issues you mentioned: set the scripts to locked execute with lock 132 (I don't really need a custom message, that was just so the script would have a failure message), unpegged the doors and fixed the issue in MAP10. I also modified the exit in MAP04, as I suspect the issue Endless was having was the fact that he stepped off the exit elevator after activating it, thus being unable to exit. I made it so the player CAN'T step off once on.
  15. THanks! Those addons are very helpful, it's exactly what I'm looking for.
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