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About CursedJade999

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    Still Improving
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  1. Do you like castles, graveyards, and vampires? If so, this WAD is perfect for you! Please give feedback on the quality of the maps. Specs: Source Port - GZDoom IWAD - Doom2.wad/FreedoomPhase2.wad # of Maps - 7 Multiplayer Compatible - No Google Drive Link
  2. Is this still going on, if so I'd like to start mapping for Map09. Also, are there any rules or guidelines on the midis we can use?
  3. It's beautiful. I'm sorry I couldn't give you guys a finished map. I couldn't have made a better map than OceanMadMan's rendition. I made and remade that map so many times, and to see someone actually make something good out of it. This is truly beautiful.
  4. Yeah, here's the unfinished map. I probably should have made all of my iterations on separate maps before I scraped them, but here's the one I had last. Of course it's not fun and it doesn't have any visuals, and it doesn't feel like a museum at all, but here it is. DU_MAP24_unfinished.zip
  5. I'm sorry, I've made and remade this map too many times to count and I just don't think I have what it takes to be in this project. I've deleted most of my prototypes for this map, but the graphics are scuffed or non-existent on many. I really wanted to make a good map for this but I don't believe I can. I will be leaving this community project.
  6. @RastaManGames so sorry about not being very active, a few things came up, but I'm remaking the map from the ground up and have made some slow but sure progress.
  7. @RastaManGames okay, I guess I'm not leaving this thing without giving you a good map first. There will be absolutely no slaughter vibes in this new map.
  8. @fai1025 Yeah, you're right about all of those things. I honestly don't think I can salvage this map. Sorry for wasting everyone's time. I guess I'll leave this cp.
  9. @RastaManGames I'll make sure to fix the things you pointed out. Also, what version of DSDA Doom are you using, I didn't get the effect you showed with the cybie cage
  10. 🔸 Map Name: "Museum of Destruction". 🔸 Author: CursedJade999. 🔸 Music: "We Die Younger"- Curated by Vitaly Andreyev using MuseNet, based on "Alice in Chains" - "We Die Young" 🔸 Ports Tested: "DSDA-Doom". 🔸 Difficulty Settings: Implemented (Easy: M-131 S-3 I-13, Medium: M-153 S-3 I-13, Hard: M-148 S-3 I-14). 🔹 Multiplayer Stuff: 1-4 Player Starts. 🔹 Description: Out of the pan and into the fire, or the museum! This mortifying museum of monumental murderation has exhibits that will haunt the senses with evil subjects like archaeology, aquatics, technology, and military history. And of course a cyberdemon skele- oh, I think it's still alive. 🔹 Notes: One or two enemies are glorified decoration. Might be very difficult on UV. Is in MAP01 so you don't have to idclev to test it out. Download Here
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